17 | ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀɪᴘ

Start from the beginning

I put in my airpods and listen to my music. We take off and make our way to Venice. 

Nine hours. I don't know how I'm supposed to survive this.


Peter's POV

I miss her.

Y/N, I miss everything.

And I hate that I miss everything.

She is sitting between Ned and I and I think she has fallen asleep. I can't help but think how beautiful she looks, especially when she's asleep. I am trying to watch Star Wars but she is so distracting.

Fucking gorgeous.

She looks happy again. She also seems mentally healthy. I'm proud of her. When we broke up, May told me that she was going to try to kill herself. I hated her for that. I still do because so many people love her. She also just wanted a chance to explain herself. And I am mad that I didn't give her the chance to explain.

I'm proud of her and I wish I could tell her that. I look out the window then I feel a weight on my shoulder and she is laying on it. I get the familiar butterflies in my stomach that she gives me. God I hate this.

I try to nudge her off of me but she is still asleep. Her mouth is parted slightly and her skin looks so soft and agh, she is so ethereal. Captivating. I have no words for how amazing she is. God I need to stop. I look away and let her get her rest on me.

I shut my eyes and I feel relaxed with her back on me. Which I hate saying because she is that intoxicating to where I can't stay away from her. But I love her energy and she would hate me if I tried anything. She already hates me. I know that I broke up with her in the most unhealthy way so that's probably why.



I yawn and I can feel myself waking up. I push myself closer to Peter. Wait. What the hell?! I shoot up in my seat and glance over at both Peter and Ned. God I miss them.

I take off my hoodie which leaves me in leggings and a t-shirt. I sigh and pull out my phone. I start watching a movie and It keeps me distracted but I just want to cry because I miss them so much. I shake my head trying to stop the thoughts.

I feel tears prick at my eyes and so then I quickly go to the bathroom so that I can calm down. I enter the bathroom and I just stare at myself in the mirror. I fucking hate this. This trip is supposed to be fun but it already started off bad.

I exhale and try to push out all the bad energy. I then make it back to my seat and I meditate for ten minutes, once I feel better, I begin to watch my movie again.

We are about six hours into the flight and the attendants are bringing us our food. We pull down our tray tables and they set down our food and I start eating. Peter and Ned are talking over me and I feel so out of place.

Once I finish my food, I fall asleep again hoping this flight will be over sooner than later.


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