𝟸𝟾. 𝙸 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜

Start from the beginning

  Her eyes ran over the statue, watching it carefully as it passed before her. She smiled lightly when Jack wrapped his arms around her from behind, both of them feeling the relief of having finally arrived at their much-awaited destination - and most importantly, together.

  "What's the first thing you want to do when we get out of here?" Jack whispered from behind her, a smile on his lips.

  "I'm not sure," Josephine replied thoughtfully "you are an American - what do you think I should see?"

  Jack thought for a moment, wondering where he should take her first. Surely she would want to find a way to check out her parent's money as quickly as possible as to set them up for travels, she had already made that incredibly clear.

  "When are you getting your inheritance?" he asked.

  "I've asked for the ship to send a letter to the lawyer that worked for my family," Josephine replied, "he should answer back in a quick while, but I suspect the money will take a while to come through."

  Jack nodded his head silently, worried for what she would think of living his life before her money came through - she was strong, there was no doubt about that. But still, he worried she would not be quite fond of his lifestyle.

  "I can tell you are worrying," she piped in, her eyes still trailed forwards "you have no need to."

  He hummed in acknowledgment of her words before releasing her waist and turning his eyes to the statue as well. He tried thinking of what to do when they arrived, but there were so many places he wanted to go that his mind came up blank. He was home, after all, now more than ever.

  As they both looked forwards, a steward came closer to them, his hands holding a list and a pen. He had been trying to get the survivors' names in order to properly note who had made it out and onto American soil, and his eyes were focused on Josephine.

  "Can I get your name please, love?" he asked Josephine carefully, not wanting to startle her.

  Josephine turned her head to Jack, only to see that he was already looking at her, his eyes showing how he wondered what she would say. She thought it through for a quick moment, and when she spoke, her eyes did not leave Jack.

  "Dawson, she answered. "Josephine Dawson and Jack Dawson," her head nodded in Jack's direction before she turned to the steward and smiled him away.

  When she turned back to Jack, he was staring at her with the softest smile he could muster, and it seemed as though all the leftover sadness and unsure feelings had washed away. Because she had taken his name - and if that didn't prove her love for him, then nothing else would. She had chosen him time and time again, and she would continue doing so until her dying day; he was sure of this now.

  "Dawson?" he asked, still dawning the smile she loved so much.

  "I've told you, Jack," Josephine started speaking "I am yours - body, mind, and soul."

  He walked over to her, the rain making his hair drip onto his forehead and over his eyes. She accepted his embrace before it even came, wrapping her arms around his neck as he wrapped his own around her waist.

  The pair smiled at each other, feeling the hopes of new love envelope them, and finally give in to what they were desperately in search of. Jack brushed his nose against hers, and Josephine laughed softly as his hair tickled her forehead.

  Their lips pushed against each other at the same time, and it was hard to suppress their smiles as they kissed. Josephine surrendered to him once more, feeling as though she would never tire of kissing him - especially not after she had almost lost him several times.

  Her hand blindly pushed the hair from his forehead back so it no longer touched her face, but she kept it there, running her fingers through it every now and again. Everything about him clouded her sense, and although they were surrounded by many other people, she could only feel him.

  As they pulled away, her hands began carding through the hairs on the back of his neck, brushing them softly with her fingers as he smiled at her. Her lips touched his cheek softly, brushing against the soft skin and smiling to herself as she did so. His own hands were placed on the small of her back, and it felt as though they could finally breathe.

  "I was thinking Santa Monica," Josephine spoke up with a large smile after a moment of silence.

  "What?" Jack laughed.

  "Well, you promised me an afternoon of fun there," Josephine shrugged "and when the money comes through, there will surely be some we could use for travels before settling."

  "Santa Monica it is then," Jack grinned at her "the moment we have the conditions to travel, we will go."

  "Cheap beer and roller coasters await," Josephine nodded, her arms pulling him as close as she could.

  Their forehead leaned together as they both relished at the moment. The past few days had been difficult, but although it was raining, they could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it felt better than anything else.

  "I'll always look after you, Josie," Jack whispered to her, his eyes staring into the very depths of her soul "I promise you this."

  "And I, you" Josephine swore to him with soft eyes.

  They truly meant all they said, for they were each other's family now, that was clear enough. Anyone who looked in on their embrace would only see soft smiles and eyes that Jack and Josephine only directed to each other. They were the very picture of devotion.


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