❝ suguru daishou ❞ ꕤ

Start from the beginning

"Y/n L/n, this is Suguru Daishou, he is one of your dad clients and...your soulmate."

You jumped from your seat "I thought I told you I didn't believe in this kind of things mom, We talked about this." You pinch the bridge of your nose, suppressing your anger "Go and have a talk with him first." Your dad fired back and left the dining room along with your mom followed behind, you rolled your eyes getting your stuff and went to exit the house but the man held your wrist through your dress "Let have a talk first, Y/n." You yanked his hand away and guided him to the house garden

"Alright, first of all I don't know how much my parents paid you for you to do this pretending to be my soulmate but just told me how much you desperate for, I'll give you just say it." You didn't bother to look at him but the silence slowly eating you, Suguru was looking at you in genuine shock "I always known you as a hard-headed person but I didn't imagined you'll be this rude, spat harsh things to other peoples."

You scoffed "This is how I born, what about it?" He look at you in disappointment, shaking his head "I'll get going, guess nothing would work if this is how you behaved," He left you, stoning on spot "..They didn't paid me, your dad just happened to know when we met." Your eyes never battled on him

Thud sound hearing, he closed the door of his car and drove off away, you heaved a long and trembled sigh "You shouldn't have done that, you brat!" Your dad hit your back, you frowned "Y/n, you should make up for your mistakes, that wasn't really a good first impression toward your own soulmate." They left you alone again, you wanted to yell back.

All your life believing soulmate aren't real and the second they announced you had a soulmate, they expected you to liked it right away? That is ridiculous.

Your mom had told you to stay overnight, you didn't bother to insist and helped yourself, settling yourself on the bed "Is it really a good idea to do what I did?" Your trains of thought cut off by a ding sound from your phone, an unknown number had texted you


+82 0000 000
👤: Hey, this is Daishou

the scum from before, I'm sorry if
I hurt you with what I said. I hope you
can forgive me...

+82 1000 000
👤: It's okay, It's my fault. Don't bother
apologizing. I shouldn't have reacted that way
knowing that you are my soulmate. I'm sorry

👤: Hope to have a dinner with you
as a sorry gift.

+82 0000 000
👤: Haha, yeah sure. I would love too


You unknowingly smile at the text, relieving that he wasn't mad at you, at least not anymore, you charge your phone on the night stand table and tries to sleep.

The next morning, you woke up and shower right away, jogging to the kitchen. After minutes contemplating you decided to make avocado toast with eggs for Suguru and your parents to eat later on, The maid helped you a little when your dad comes in the kitchen "Hey, I need Suguru's company address because I'm passing this to him? You think you can help me?" Not battling eyes on him, you closed the lid

He hummed "I texted you it just now," You blinked Well that was fast

You ran upstairs to your bedroom and pick a clothes to wear for you to visit Suguru, you wore a white collar tee inside and a black pant suit fitting your body, your hair tied into a high ponytail and some light make up, you get your purse bag and the bento putting it inside a paper bag "Done!" You wore a khaki coloured stiletto on your way outside bidding goodbye's to your parents

You get inside the car and put the bento beside you, on the shotgun seat, starting the car and make your way to the address your father texted you.

It stopped on a large and a very high-tech company belongs to Suguru, The security called out for you "Your occasion?" You rolled your eyes "I want to meet Suguru, tell him his girlfriend is on the lobby waiting."

"I'm sorry but I can't allowed you to passed inside only if you had business..." You growled "I'm his girlfriend, do I need to repeated it? Bring him here, Damn it you ruining the mood." Woman who's in mid 50s came to you, running "Mr. Suguru had asked me to assisted you inside, let me Mrs. L/n." Your heels tapping against the tiles echoing the halls an inside the elevator, she pressed on the level 20

"Here is it maam," She open the door for you, you excused her and greeted Suguru "Hey, sorry for the sudden came, I wanted to give you this." You handed him the bag with a small smile, he motioned you to seat "Thanks, have you eaten too?" You lied saying that you have when you actually not since you busy making him one because all the ones you did ended up burning or not cooked perfectly.

He opened the lid smelling the dish "It smell good, thanks Y/n--" Your stomach growled in hunger, you chuckle awkwardly scraping your un-itched nape "Maybe I didn't eat yet..." He laugh petting on his other side for you to seat, he get one and ushered you to open your mouth, you blinked thrice making he laugh lightly "I'm feeding you, open now--Aah~" You bit on the toast, stars visible through your irises "It's good, ...It's actually good..." He smile petting your head using his free hand.

You froze at the sudden touch, he blush, apologizing. You both ate the toast back and forth with Suguru feeding you with so much affection.



🗣️ Opened to each other in just short period time. Sudden feeling of love and care after the first meet.

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