❝ aone takanobu ❞ ꕤ

173 5 2


genre : tiny weeny bit of angst and fluff
warning : swearing, mention of bullying
words : 438 words


   You sat on the chair eating your curry meat bun silently like always with your headphones in and books, you always been the cold type, you don't have friend not like you can't have one you just don't want one.

   To you they all sucks, gold digger, gossiper, bunch of nerds and bullies you rather stay alone in your own world drawing doodles and others. you grows sick of hearing the same things over and over again, well apparently there's a new students here at date tech and from what you heard they say he is scary or sorts of.

   You closed your eyes in annoyance "alright that's it." you slammed your hand on the table startling the other students "where can i find this guy?" nobody answered, you grabbed one of the nearest person infront of your table shaking him "answer me for goodness sake, i can't stand y'all shit anymore!"

   The boy hesitantly pointed his hand at the certain table "great, the volleyball team players." you sigh abruptly,

   Moving your feets to the table you looked at them one by one "which one of you are these morons talking about?" the one with the messy blue haired is shaking "w- what do you want to do with a- aone?"

   "Aone? okey that's the name so which one of you is aone?" a guy with a snowy white hair stood up from his seat "its me." you flicked his head without thinking and no you're not regretting it

   "Have you heard what those nerds said about you? monster? scary? creep? you do right? why haven't you did anything? what's the point of having the big ass gigantic body of yours if you could even defense yourself?" you scolded him and again without thinking

   "What could i even do about it?" he spoke like a whisper tone "scare them, i mean you don't have to if you don't want to but at least defense yourself instead of getting bullied and harassed every day for something stupid!" he looked at you, stoic.

   "... Thanks..." your eyebrows crashed "pardon?", he repeated again "no don't get me wrong i didn't do this out of kindness i'm just sick of those bitches talking shit behind others back, and it kinda noisy and i hated it, that's it, i'm not taking care of you or something please don't misunderstand." he smile way to big than he intended to, his teammates gasped

   You patted his back "gotta go, later." you walked away, he smile and you... well... blush...

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