08. Back to reality

Start from the beginning

Was he okay? Did anything happen to him after you passed out?

Running out of your bedroom, your heavy steps echoed through the walls making your dad look towards the door that you had just opened. Relief spread in your veins when you noticed you weren't alone.

"Sweetheart..." He spoke softly. Biting your lip to prevent tears from falling down your eyes you threw your arms around him while he hugged you tightly before grabbing your face so he could see it better "Are you feeling okay? You were dehydrated and slept two days in a row!"

"I'm okay" You smiled but your smile quickly faded away "Wait, is Dongwook okay? He was with me! Is he hurt? I dreamt he-"

You got out of his embrace, starting to panic but your dad was quick to catch you before you could exit the room.

"He's okay, he was with you when we saved you. He's home"

But your dream felt so real...

"Did you catch the members of golden legion?" You questioned, feeling something inside you telling you that dream was a warning.

"We arrested all the members in the dock but we didn't find Nomura..."

"I need to go see him! He must be in danger" You rushed to get your shoes on while putting some jacket on.

"We have officers guarding his house, Y/N. I receive the status every 30 minutes-"

"I need to make sure he's okay. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here-" Your voice cracked as you mentioned the last part. It was the truth, he was the one who protected you regardless if he got hurt or not.

"Okay, let's go. I'm sure seeing another familiar face will help you calm down" He gave up seeing the distress on your face, his heart ached just thinking about what you had gone through.

The ride to his house was quiet, you were holding onto the seat belt as if your life depended on it while your mind kept replaying the horrible moments you lived in the container.

Your dad was respecting your silence, he truly wanted to help you and support you at this moment but he knew you didn't want to be bombarded by questions so he just kept glancing at you, hoping you'd open up to him soon.

After a few minutes, you arrived at Dongwook's apartment. Making your way to the door, you saw the officers in their car saluting your father as soon as he stepped out of the car.

You rang the bell urgently, something inside you still scared that no one would open the door and that he would be in danger.

After a minute there was still no response.

Looking back at your dad with widened eyes, you knocked again, hoping your instinct was wrong.

"He's probably sleeping-" Your father started but he was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

Both of you looked to the now opened door, watching Dongwook's surprised look. His black hair was wet while he dried it with a towel that he held in his hand, he was wearing a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants and by the way his clothes were hugging his body you could tell he had dressed himself in a hurry.

Before he could say anything, you practically jumped to him, wrapping your arms around him.

"Thank God you're okay, I dreamed you had been caught and you were injured" You spoke against his shoulder, reviving the images again on your head, the sound of the rusty doors dragging across the floor.

Dongwook patted your back awkwardly, barely touching you as his eyes made contact with your dad's. Yes, you two had gone through a lot and all he wanted to do was hug you tightly and tell you he was okay and that your dream had been just a nightmare but he couldn't ignore the fact you were the daughter of the man he most looked up to, more than his boss your father was a mentor to him.

Realizing how stiff he was, you carefully removed your arms from him.

"Thank you for checking on me, I'm doing okay. I'm sorry for taking so much time to answer the door but I had just gotten out of the shower" He chuckled, scratching his neck nervously and then he bowed quickly "Sir, thank you for taking care of me. I'm glad Y/N is also doing okay"

Your dad walked towards him, saluting him before engulfing him in a hug as well "I was so scared for both of you. The idea of losing you two made me go insane"

You watched as your dad quietly wiped some of the tears that had formed in his eyes.

"Do you want to come in?" Dongwook asked, making space for you two to go inside.

"Of course. I want to hear your story" Your dad smiled, looking back at you "You two have been through a lot and I want to be here for you"

With that, you both went in as Dongwook made his way to the kitchen and made some hot coffee.

Hi my loves!! I'm sorry for the long wait my inspiration wasn't helping me writing but I'm finally out of writer's block and I'm already writing the next chapter. I hope I can finish it soon too ❤️
Thank you for your support and welcome to wll new readers, feel free to drop a comment. I love to know your opinions!! 🥺

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