08. Back to reality

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CHAPTER 8 - "Back to reality"

★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★・・・・・・★CHAPTER 8 - "Back to reality"

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...My head

The dizziness on your stomach made you finally open your eyes while your hands felt the ground underneath you, your cold fingertips meeting a cold surface. Voices started speaking and you felt like you were inside a tunnel, the sound coming from them seeming far away as a blurry silhouette got in front of you.

"You thought you had escaped, huh?"

Panic quickly spread on your body while you squinted your eyes in an attempt of seeing who the person was.

"Look what you did to him" The deep and distant voice shouted enraged, their hand grabbed your face forcing you to look somewhere.

"Look what you caused, bitch. I had so much fun making him suffer slowly-"

Your eyes shot open wide when the scene in front of you became less blurry, Dongwook was laying on the ground, his shirt covered in blood while he covered the wound on his abdomen with his large hand. He started coughing and you saw the pain in his eyes, begging for you to help him.

"Dongwook!" You screamed horrified, trying to reach him but the silhouette grabbed you not letting you move.

"Y/N..." He whispered, the simple action making him run out of breath "Why did you call me that day..."

That one sentence made you go numb, the pain of the nails digging in your skin not feeling anything compared to the one on your heart, that one truly felt like a knife digging deeper.

"Help me... please" He whispered one more time, tears rolling down his dark brown eyes.

A gasp left your lips as your body jerked up, your breathing out of control. Your hand instantly laid on your chest as an attempt to calm your body so the oxygen could enter your lungs. Scanning around, the familiar surroundings helped even your breathing, the sun peeking through the curtains.

This was your room.

Blinking a few times, trying to recall what had happened, you remembered the sirens and your dad's voice, and after that everything was blurry in your head. You probably fainted after all the stress.

Looking at the bedside table next to you, your eyes went wide as you took in the date that appeared on the screen. It's been two days?!

You froze on the spot when the dream you just had played on your mind, the feeling of being trapped in the dirty container still present on your skin. Wait... DONGWOOK!

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