Chapter 2

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"Daddy, wake up! We're hungry!" My six year old daughter's scream as they jumped on my bed. I groan and roll away from them as I grab the pillow beside me and cover my head with it.

"Give me ten more minutes." I grumble from underneath my pillow.

"No, daddy, wake up right now." Mia demands in her big girl voice, as she and Luna try to shake me, but it just ends up feeling like someone's poking me. I growl and sit up, making them scream but before they can escape, I grab them both by their waist and begin tickling them, causing them to scream with laughter. Mia and Luna try their best to scramble away from my tickling, but their laughter slows them down. After a minute more of tickling, I let them escape my hold and they both make a run for the door, calling out for one of their uncles to help save them.

I fall back on my bed and stare at the ceiling for a good five minutes before the twins call out to me again. I groan and roll out of bed, then throw on some gray sweats and a black tank.

I walk down the stairs and can hear the girls chanting, "We want food! We want food!" As they pound their tiny fists on the marble counter.

"Okay, what's for breakfast? Eggs with vegetables?" I tease, already knowing what the answer is going to be before they even say it.

"Ew, no daddy! We want chocolate pancakes!" The two of them scream at the same time, making me smile. When they first started saying things at the same time, it freaked me out. Dimitri and Luca used to do the same thing when we were younger and it freaked me out then too, but now I've gotten used to it and found a sense of joy in it.

I pull everything out and start making breakfast while the girls tell me everything that has been going on at school. They attend a private school that begins with kindergarten and ends with high school. It costs a pretty penny but it's nothing I can't afford. I originally wanted to have them homeschooled, so I knew where they were at all times, but my brothers convinced me that they should be around other kids their own age. The only real reason I agreed was because I placed two of my most trusted men on them, who reported everything to me. They so much as sneeze and a second later, it's reported to me. A bit much? Maybe, but they are the two most important people–alongside my brothers–in my life, meaning I will do anything and everything to keep them safe.

The girls look like a mix between me and their biological mother, Abby, who is god knows where. Probably finding her next drug or guy to leech money off of. Abby and I met at a bar one night and fucked in the bathroom, then went our separate ways. After that night, I never thought I'd see her again. But eight months later we bump into each other, outside of the same bar we first met at, and she tells me that the twins cooking in her belly were mine. I didn't believe her at first, so I told her to take a DNA test and when the results came back–confirming that the twins in her belly were in fact mine–I had her move in with my brothers and I.

A few days after having the girls, she left. Only leaving a letter saying she never wanted to be a mother and gave me full custody over the girls. She also stole a few pieces of art and watches my brothers and I owned, but it was nothing we couldn't replace. Normally, I wouldn't have let someone, who stole from me, go, but because she was the mother of my daughters, I decided to show her mercy and let her get away.

I remember being so angry, not for me but for my daughters who wouldn't get to know the love of a mother. I made a promise to them that I would give them all the love I had so that they would never feel that absence. The moment I first laid eyes on them, I immediately fell in love with them, as did my brothers when they came to meet the twins for the first time. God help us when they reach their teenage years. At only six years old, they had my brothers and I wrapped around their tiny fingers. We would protect them with our lives and do absolutely anything for them.

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