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~Insta DMs~

Louis opens the text, exhaling hotly through his nose. Absolutely no reason to be this nervous, but you see... this guy, he was hot! And no hot guy ever texts him... only people to text him are horny girls that he has no interest in, and his best friends Niall and Liam... but this is new.

I guess we used to go to the same school?
How are you?

"Oh so he remembers me ?? " Louis speaks to no one again, while typing out a reply.

I'm goood.
how are you? And I don't really remember you in my high school... 

yeah I left that school when I was in 6th standard, so you probably don't remember me...
but I recognized you :D
 you were in different section but same standard.

Louis smiles to himself, because a pretty boy like Harry remembers him... get a grip Louis!! he's most probably straight  and has got no interest in you ... you're just his ex schoolmate that he recognized cuz he's good with remembering faces like you. wake up!

Oh now I get it why your face in your old pictures is soo familiar...

Hahahah so you've already stalked my pictures huh? I see..

Louis' lifts his brows in amusement with a little 'v' shaped smile on his face. 'So you care about a guy stalking you?'
Louis thinks if it would be appropriate now to reply that or would he come across as a flirt? He decides not to... what if I shoo him away?  hell no!

yeah I was wondering why would you follow me and you had moots too so I got curious 

It's good to be curious ;)

Louis wonders what he meant.
He carries on texting with him for quite some time and discuss about the teachers, the playground, music and other stuff about their old school life. He expresses his mad obsession with this boyband with five guys and to his surprise ... Harry liked them too! Although he's not as obsessed as him but yeah he has some videos of him singing covers of One Addition's songs and OH MY GOD HIS VOICE!! Louis wants to marry his voice if he could. 

You really should become a singer! you're amazing really

hmm.. I guess.. I really love singing
BTW it's pretty late, aren't you sleepy?

Louis is not sleepy at all! He just wants to keep talking to this pretty boy, he wants to know everything about him. But he wonders if this was Harry's way of telling him to go... and he didn't want to seem too desperate or clingy... he probably won't even text me tomorrow... c'mon not every hot guy you talk to is gay Louis! It was just a normal conversation for fucks sake!!
Louis convinces himself and replies.

Yeah it's pretty late ...
Well it was nice talking to you! we could have been good high school buddies lol

Louis cringes at his own text, but it was already read before he could unsend.

Yeah I totally agree!
well goodnight then ttyl?

And cue the butterflies in Louis' stomach because he said TTYL... he'd talk later!!! 

Author's note...

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~N (22.03.2022)


My Neighbour | Larry StylinsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora