Chapter 7: The Race

Start from the beginning

Not long, I'm standing back behind his mahogany desk and started piling up the papers. Contracts, Some kind of presentation ... statement of properties, and other bunches of papers I don't understand.

I put the pen back in the pen holder and move it beside his computer. Then, my eyes caught the picture frame that was sitting beside his computer, of me and him when I was five. 

On my birthday, He was carrying me on his shoulder as I was guffawing. It's a stolen picture of us. I felt that nostalgic feelings again.

I looked away and grab the staple and sticky notes and opened the middle drawer thinking to keep those stuff in there.

I opened the drawer and was about to put the stapler and sticky notes when a folder caught my eyes with a picture laying on top of the folder.

 My curiosity kicked in. I picked the picture up and stared at the beautiful creature. She has a long thick wavy brown locks cascaded around her shoulder and back, smiling sweetly with my dad. Dad was holding her waist while he seems to say something to her that made the girl smiled. They both look so much in love.

She's very beautiful. Lightly tanned skin, small pointed nose, with high cheekbone and with nice curves. She just reached barely above dad's shoulder.

I was about to put it back in the drawer when it drop on the floor with the picture facing backward. I picked it up and read the notes.

"Hailey and Tony, 1992"

Why is dad keeping the picture of her? Does this mean that he still love her? That he never loved my mom?

Suddenly, the door opened revealing my dad with a phone close to his ear and he comes to a halt when he notice me standing beside his desk.

I swiftly tucked the picture in my pant's waistband and discreetly closing the middle drawer. Dad looks stunned but gained his composure briefly.

"I'll call you back!" he said to his caller and ended the call stuffing the phone to his pocket.

"What are you doing here, mi prinsesa?" he's staring at me warily as he looked around noticing the little things I did.

"Sorry, papa. I was about to come here to see you and ask permission to go out, but found you're not here and I notice all the crumpled papers on the floor and papers scattered on your table so I thought I'll just do tidying instead of going malling." I explained nonchalantly as I looked around the clean study.

"Ohh.. you don't have to do that, mi Amor!" he exclaimed relieved as he walked closer.

I walked around the desk and stood across, so he can occupy his favorite chair in the world. I could feel the edges of the picture pricking my back.

"So what do you want to do then? Do you want Paul to drive you somewhere?" he smiled sweetly as he stared at me with admiration.

"I want my own car, papa. I have money to buy." I blurted out, out of nowhere. 

Why not?

The money I earned from the racing, money I earned from doing commercials and modeling and the money he gave me monthly which my mom never uses. She just save it in my account and use her money instead. So I would say, I am a millionaire too. Not as much as what my Dad have but at least, I could afford a car.

"Bien," he agreed reluctantly.

"Gracias, papa!" I exclaimed excitedly. My eyes twinkling with joy. I can't wait.

"But, no car racing, Cara Nicole!" Dad warned me intently, his voice laced with disapproval giving me his stony look. "Or I'll take the car, and you will not drive ever again in my presence!" he added.

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