Just one look at Seokjin and Taehyung's all annoyance flew away. He smiled.

Seokjin peppered his nape with kisses and whispered, "Imagine if you actually went to the company like that tomorrow. What would have been the headlines? Kim Taehyung supposed to be the most potential president can't even remember wearing his pants. He is actually a kid. There would be memes about you. Then I have to come in picture to save you from them, I would have..."

Taehyung turned around and shushed him with a sweet kiss, giggling himself, "Are you an actor or a story writer?"

"I can be both." Jin answered pulling Taehyung closer towards him through his waist.

"Are you planning to be my saviour too?"

"Am I not already?"

Taehyung smiled softly. Not denying.

But then he pushed him harshly and huffed.

"You thought so far about the stupid future but you can't even think about tonight, huh?" Taehyung asked rolling his eyes.

"What's special today?" Jin asked confused.

"Tomorrow is my special day."


"Let's celebrate then?"

Seokjin made overly fake tired expression, "Noooo. I am tired. You carry on with your posing and trial."

"Hyungggg." Taehyung whined, holding and shaking Seokjin's forearm.

"Tae- I am genuinely tired." He said sternly.

But he did the mistake of looking at Taehyung after saying that.

Taehyung was staring at him with slight pout and his eyes full on puppy mode. One can imagine light coming out his eyes to hypnotize him and do what he wants.

It worked.

Seokjin sighed, "Baby, you should rest. You need to feel fresh tomorrow."

"But I wanna celebrate."

"Are you nervous sweetheart?" Seokjin asked softly after noticing Taehyung wobbly lips.

Taehyung just looked down without saying anything.

Seokjin put his two fingers below Taehyung's chin and raised his face to look at his eyes.

"You are nervous." He said this time as a fact.

Taehyung just came closer, hid his face in crook of Seokjin's neck and hugged his waist, nuzzling his neck.

Seokjin felt warmth flooding his chest and hold Taehyung close, with soft smile on his lips but concern in his eyes.

"Why are you nervous baby? You know you are the best and you deserve this." Seokjin said kissing Taehyung's cheek.

"I know. But I just feel that I still have to learn so many things and maybe I am not ready."

"You are."

TaeJin DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now