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Stuck with You

"Hello? Hello appa! I can't hear you." Seokjin said loudly closing his other ear so maybe he can hear properly.

Taehyung beside him kept looking around for the hotel where they can stay till next evening.

"Seokjinnie!! When are you coming home? And how did your exhibition went?" his father voice came from other side. Clear finally.

Seokjin sighed in relief, "It went great appa. But I can't come today."


"This area unexpectedly got flooded. So, now we can't travel."

"But are you ok?"

"Yes! I am. Ok, I will talk to you later. I can't hear you again. I will come back tomorrow." he then cut the call.

"Did you find the hotel?" Seokjin asked Taehyung.

Taehyung nodded and pointed at somewhere, "Let's go."

Seokjin smiled wide and followed Taehyung.

"Is he worried?" Taehyung asked Seokjin on their way to hotel.

"He is. He would have asked many questions and then would have worried more so I just cut the call. Tomorrow when I'll be home, he will be ok."

Taehyung nodded.

"What about your parents?"

"They are cool. They just asked me to be safe." Taehyung answered.

After that they walked few seconds in silence and then they were inside the hotel. It was packed. Many people were dragging their luggage to different floors, there was a big queue for booking the rooms, it was whole chaos like a busy platform of a train station.

They did get in line and luckily get the chance to book rooms before the hotel gets full.

They smile wide.

But their smile faded down when the receptionist told them that they only have one room left.

Seokjin looked at Taehyung worried and with a little pout.

"Are you sure sir? Please check again." Taehyung requested.

The receptionist just for their peace of mind did check on his computer but then shook his head politely, "We don't have another room. Just one. Do you want it?"

Seokjin shook his head.

Taehyung sighed, "Let's check in another hotel."

Seokjin nodded.

The receptionist spoke again, "There is no room empty in any other hotel around here. I suggest you to take this one before it goes from your hand too."

"Please say this only if you are confirmed. It's important for us." Seokjin said with a furrowed brows. He knows these hotel workers can tell you this just so that you stay in their hotel and not someone else.

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