Damian stared down at them. "They're an army."

"Precisely." Carley smiled. "And they're killers, too. For an army without killers is no army at all."

She turned to Raven, staring at her for a moment, before a soft smile graced her features.

"My lady, forgive me for not recognizing you sooner. Lorrietta received your message. She is prepared to negotiate."

"What message?" Damian asked, turning to Raven.

"I'm sorry.." Raven whimpered. "She's stronger than me. She's our only hope."

Carley took Raven, picking her up bridal style, and carried her off.

"You are all welcome to join us."

The men hurried to follow behind, and they soon found themselves at a grand pair of double doors. Upon entering, they saw you, sitting at the end of a long table, your head in your hands.

"Lorrietta." Carley called.

You looked up. You costume hadn't changed much. You had ditched the sleeves, and your domino mask was on the table next to you.

"Raven has arrived."

"I can see that." You muttered, before standing. "Good Lord." You ran over to her, caressing her cheek. "She's in no state to make deals. Please, take her to the infirmary."

Carley nodded, before turning on her heel.

"Black Bird, I've come in Lois-"

"I'm sorry Clark, it's a no." You cut him off. "I'm part of a different plan, now."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"That's not any of your concern, is it?" You stated, before turning to Constantine. "Can I interest you in shelter? Drinks, perhaps?"

"Oh, yes, please!"

"Show them to the living quarters, please." You said to a Black Bird in the room. "And then leave me in peace."

The young man nodded, before walking past the men, leading them away. Damian stayed behind.

"So.." he began. "It's been a while."

"It has." You replied, moving to sit back in your chair at the end of the table. "Care to join me?"

Damian walked to the chair next to yours, and sat.

"You built all of this?" He asked.

"I took a page out of your book. You went back to the league, didn't you?" You didn't have anger or hurt in your voice. Just curiosity.

Damian nodded. "Yes."

You paused. "Did you use the Lazarus pit?"


You looked up quickly. "On who?" You asked, desperately.

"Dick." He replied, looking down.

"Did it work?" Your voice was hopeful, and it broke Damian's heart.

"No." He said. "He's broken. He's alive, but gone."

You looked down. "I see."

Damian looked to you. "Do you?"

"Don't doubt me, Damian." You smiled, laughter in your eyes.

"Never." He responded, placing his hand on yours.

You locked eyes for a moment, before Damian quickly pulled his hand away, looking down.

You ran your tongue over your dry lips, trying to make conversation.

𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝗱 • Damian Wayne x Female Insert/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now