Chapter 8

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TW:emotional/blood/mentions of death/cussing
You woke up in an empty warehouse handcuffed to one of the poles. "You've gotta be kidding me." You wondered why they went so easy on you. "Come on can we hurry this up I have a house full of avengers waiting for me to come back I even bought my boyfriend a cute doll." You sighed looking at the bag on the floor. "No can do Y/N." Nick Fury said walking in from the shadows all you could do was scoff. "Really Fury a sneak attack? You could've just called me." He smiled taking the handcuff off of you. "I needed to see you in person without anyone knowing take a seat let's talk." You raised an eyebrow at him before sitting. He pulled up a screen sitting in a chair beside you. "I have a mission for you but it has some pretty hardcore stuff along with it." You sighed listening to the mission.

     Fury finally stopped talking and you were in complete shock. Basically, he was trying to catch a very dangerous con artist group and Steve was a part of their plan but he wouldn't take interest in the female since he was dating you how loyal. Your job was to fake your death and go off-grid for a while the twist was you couldn't tell anyone not even Steve. "I can't leave Steve I love him too much." You said and he sighed. "I know Y/N but they might actually kill your to go through with their plan please we need you." You pressed your temple groaning. "Alright fine how am I going to fake my death though." He smiled. "Don't worry I have a guy you just have to stay here for a while and we'll take care of the rest." You nodded.

     When he said awhile you didn't think he meant an entire week. You were guarded and had everything you needed but it was so boring. You were just in your head about how Steve was how everyone could've been feeling it made you feel terrible. You were playing with the ball you literally had to beg for when the door opened. It was Fury he didn't say anything just signaled you to get up. You got up and some guys came behind you gabbing you by your arms and taking you to another room. They tied you to a chair and put a bandanna around your mouth. You looked at Nick with a confused face. He walked to the corner of the room and a bunch of people came in with masks and a camera. "Hello, world." One of the people said the voice distorted you could tell it was a voice changer. "Is this what you call a hero? Look at your hero who you expect to protect you she can't even protect herself." They all started laughing and one of them pulled out a gun and you could see someone behind you with fake blood. You automatically got what was going on and started fake crying and struggling looking at the gun. "Say goodbye to your hero." The person held the gun to your head and pulled the trigger as a gunshot sound played and the fake blood splattered everywhere. You fell to the ground not moving. They turned off the camera, helped you up, and untied you laughing a little. "You're a great actress." One of them said and you gave all of them a high five. "Me? That was literally amazing." You said and you all started laughing. Nick came behind you and put a hand on your shoulder. "Now we're going to put you in a sleep and send you back to the compound and once they bury you we'll come to get you and move you to a house in the forest. You nodded and he handed you a bottle you drank the drink and then boom you were out cold.

Steve's POV
     It had been a week since Y/N went on a walk and never came back everyone had been looking for her but especially me. I might've gotten a total of 30 minutes of sleep throughout the entire week. Tony was by my side almost the entire time but Bruce made him sleep a few times he tried with me too but there was no way I could sleep with her not here. I was searching trying to track her phone again when I got no results. I was losing my mind nobody could find her we had asked basically everyone in the city but nobody saw her Loki and Wanda couldn't even find her. "Steve please..." Nat had put her hand on my shoulder but I brushed it off going back to typing. "You have to rest." I banged my hand on the table looking at her. "I will not rest until I find her." She just sighed and was about to say something else until someone else spoke up. "I think I found her.." Bruce said in a sad tone. Everyone immediately turned and ran into the living room. "Turn it up turn it up turn it up," I said repeatedly slapping his face. He hit my hand and looked at me before turning up the TV. "Hello, world." The person said I could make out three people in masks and Y/N she looked scared. All I could do was watch as the person put a gun to her head she was struggling and crying. "Is this what you call a hero? Look at your hero who you expect to protect you she can't even protect herself." The person put a finger on the trigger and a shook my head profusely. "Please no," I said under my breath as he pulled it and she fell to the floor blood going everywhere. "NO!" I screamed I looked at everyone and they all looked frozen for a second before they looked at me. "Steve.." Tony said walking towards me. He reached an arm out but I swatted it away. "Don't touch me." I couldn't look at any of them I just ran upstairs and slammed the door locking it. I started smashing things in my room. "Fuck!" I screamed before sitting on the bed and crying. I grabbed the picture on my nightstand and stared at it tears splashing on the frame. I just stared at it crying until I passed out on the bed.

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