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A few days later

I sat near the glass that separated us. "Wait, your brother is out hanging with all the other worthless avengers and left you here?!"
He smiled and nodded. "Yes, they trust him. Not me." He studied me. "Do you have any family?"
I laughed awkwardly. "Well...I don't know my dad very well. He was a warrior and died in battle. But then my mom died too. A few years ago. That's why I'm queen already. I don't have any siblings either."
"I'm sorry."
I waved him off. "Nah...She was sick. No one could do anything."
"How old are you?"
I thought for a second. "Over 1050 at least. I stopped counting a while ago." The man that had originally been in a giant red suit walked into the door and I looked up. I looked at him confused. "Who are you?"
The man opened both our doors and I cautiously walked out. He smirked at me. "I don't think we've officially met. Tony. And you are?"
I crossed my arms. "Queen (Y/N)."
He nodded. "Come on. Both of you."
I glanced at Loki and he shrugged. We followed him out of the room and down the hall. I smiled at him. "So...Tony...where exactly are we going?"
He looked back at me and smirked. "Well, we need to know if you're a threat. To do that, you're going to battle one of the Avengers."
I held my laugh and shook my head. "That is still a really stupid name."
Loki laughed from next to me. Tony scowled at us. We both laughed loudly and Tony took us into a scrimmaging room. Steve and Natasha were in there, but a lot of the people in the room I hadn't ever seen before. They all stared at me and Loki, both still laughing about the Avengers name.
Tony cleared his throat and I looked at the people lined up. He motioned to them. "(Y/N), this is Wanda, Vision, Scott, Peter, Bucky, Thor, Dr. Strange, Steve, and Nat." He turned towards them. "This is (Y/N)."
"Queen (Y/N)!" I said, emphasizing the 'Queen'.
Tony sighed. "Queen (Y/N)." He said sarcastically.
I smiled and crossed my arms. Tony sighed again. "Well, we're gonna have Loki go first to show you how we do things around here. He's been here a long time. Then you'll go."
I nodded. "Sounds good Tiny."
I smirked. "Right. Tony."
Tony rolled his eyes at me but took Loki into the center. Thor was picked to fight him, and they started. I studied Loki's powers. From the looks of it, he was strong. Magic wasn't often seen in the realms. People had to learn it from someone or read the really old books. I watched intently, trying to figure out how to work my powers so they complimented his. After a few minutes of watching Loki pretty much destroy Thor, they called it off. I groaned.
"Aw, come on! Loki was winning!"
Steve looked at me. "Exactly."
"Well, I was enjoying the view."
Tony grabbed my arm and pulled me into the area. I looked around. "Do I at least get my sword?"
They all looked at each other and Natasha left for a minute. She came back and threw my sword to me. I laughed and touched the blade. "Oh I missed you." I swung it around a little and slipped it into the sheath. "Well, who's battling her highness?"
A girl, I think her name was Wanda, walked up to me and smiled. "Hi! I'm Wanda."
I shook her hand. "Queen (Y/N)."
"I've been assigned to battle you. Are you ready?"
I smirked. "I'm ready." I pulled my sword out and lit it. She looked at it and back at me.
I shrugged. "There's a lot you people don't know about me." I swung at her and she dodged my attacks. I quickly turned into a mouse and crawled quickly behind her. I turned back into a human and held my sword at her back. She quickly turned around and some weird bright red stuff came out of her hands and she shot it at me. I quickly jumped out of the way and turned into a dragon. I stood over her but her red magic wrapped around me and turned me human. I quickly thrust my sword out and it made her fall backwards. I stepped on her chest and smirked. Tony came rushing over and pulled me off of her. I groaned. "Aw, it was just getting good!"
Tony took Wanda with him and pulled her over to the rest of the avengers. I looked at Loki and he looked back at me. I pointed to the small huddle of avengers and he nodded. I quietly sheathed my sword and we both ran out of the room. I ran as fast as possible next to him and looked around.
"Do we even know where we're going?!" I huffed.
"Just find an exit!"
We ran down the stairs as fast as possible and rushed towards the doors that led outside. I pointed to them and we ran forward. Suddenly I was falling, and hit the floor. I looked around. I was back in the cell. I looked up and some portal looking thing closed. Loki fell into his cell and I laughed at him. I looked at the door to see all the avengers watching us. I smirked.
"Okay, so you caught us. Which one of you can make portals?"
Loki groaned from the cell next to me. "Strange can."
I nodded. "Hm. Interesting."
The avengers just scowled at us and left the room. I looked at Loki and we both burst out laughing. I held out my hands. "We were so close!"
He nodded. "They didn't even see us leave!"
I paused for a second and quickly patted my side. They had forgotten about taking my sword back. I looked at Loki with wide eyes. He watched me and I tapped the handle of my sword. His face lit up. "You have your sword!"
I nodded quickly. "Shh! They'll take it back if they know!" I quickly took it off and slid it under the bed.
Loki laughed from behind me and I spun around. He smiled. "I bet I can escape before you~"
I scoffed. "In your dreams sorcerer."

A few days later

I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. Night had come a few hours ago and the room was dark. I heard the door open and smirked as Thor dragged Loki back into the room. Thor shoved him into the cell and walked out. I looked over at him and we made eye contact.
I smiled. "So how'd it go...?"
He smirked. "Shut up."
I sat up. "What? I'm just asking about your terrible escape plan."
"Well the plan you had yesterday seemed to not work out considering you're still here."
"Well at least I admitted that it failed." I pulled my knees to my chest. "Do you think we'll be able to get out?"
There was silence in the room. Loki sighed. "Maybe. Hopefully."

The next morning

The door slammed open and a guard almost threw our food at us. I scoffed. "Thanks a lot."
The guard said nothing and exited the room. I looked down at the slice of bread and some cheese. I shoved it to the side and inspected the walls once again. Nothing had changed since I had last checked, but I felt like I should look again anyway.
"(Y/N)? Queen (Y/N)?"
I looked around. "Hello?"
"Oh thank gods I found you!"
"Oh my gods what are you doing?"
"Looking for you!"
"Yeah I got that. How's Betrana?"
"Under control for the time being. We need you back though."
"Yeah I'm still on Earth. With these people that call themselves the Avengers."
"New York?"
"Yeah...and there's-"
"We're gonna come within a few days, but you can't tell anyone! It'll give it away."
I looked over at Loki who was still sleeping and nodded to myself. "Okay. Okay I'll be waiting."
Sequoia left and I looked around the cage.
I walked over to the wall that separated me and Loki and banged on it. "Hey! Wake up!" Loki turned over and fell out of the bed. He groaned and looked at me. I smirked. "Morning sleepy head."
He climbed back into his bed. "Leave me alone..."
"Aww, come on...we need another way out."

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