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The next morning

I woke up only to realize I was still a bat. I flew to the ground and turned back into a human. I yawned and looked around. Still in a cage. Trapped. I hoped some of my warriors were okay. I looked back at the door and front wall. I turned into a rhino and rammed it with my horn. The wall didn't even crack. I turned back into a human and sat down on the bed.
"May I ask why you're so anxious to leave?"
I looked up and sighed. "My country is without leadership. The last time that happened...well lets just say it didn't end well."
The door opened and I turned to look at it. The girl with red hair opened it.
I smiled at her. "Morning...?"
She kept a straight face. "Natasha."
I nodded. "Morning Natasha."
"Your interrogation wasn't over yesterday. You need to come with me."
"Hmm. Okay." She opened the door and followed me down the hall. I went to the same door and spun around in a wheeled chair.
She shook her head and pointed to the small hard one. "That one is yours."
I groaned. "But I like this one so much better!" She looked at me sternly and continued pointing to the chair. I hummed. "You're a stern one aren't you?" I stood up and plopped down in the smaller chair.
She smirked. "Steve will be in soon."
After a few minutes of waiting he did end up coming in. Steve sat down in the seat across from me. "(Y/N)."
I frowned. "That's Queen (Y/N) to you."
He smirked. "Queen (Y/N)." He said sarcastically.
I turned towards him. "Yeah, what do you want?"
"You never answered my question yesterday of if we could trust you."
I leaned back in the chair and crossed my legs. "Define trust."
"Can we rely on you or will you turn on us the first chance you get?"
I thought for a second. "Well, that depends on how you treat me, doesn't it? Treat me well, I don't have a reason to hurt you. But if you keep treating me like I'm a damn demon, I can't make any promises." He stayed silent for a few minutes and I tapped the table. "Next question?"
He cleared his throat. "Who do you work for?"
I laughed loudly. "Jeez, did you get these questions from a crime show or something?" I crossed my arms. "I work for myself, idiot. I'm the queen."
He nodded. "Of course."
I smirked. "I have a question for you, if you don't mind."
"And what is that?"
I laughed quietly. "What were you thinking? Like, when you caught me? I'm the goddess of war, and you were just like, let's put her in a cell and ask her dumb questions." I stood up. "For one, you caught a queen and took her away from her kingdom and army, but I won't hold that against you. You mortals have no idea who I am anyway." I sneered. "Second, you stick me in a cage with nothing, no other clothes, nothing to do, an empty shelf and a bed, nothing but a god next door that doesn't know how to shut up." Steve just watched me in shock. "So I ask again...what were you thinking?"
Steve stays silent and two guards pull me out the door and down the hall. They threw me back into the cage. I transformed into a bat and flew up before I could hit the floor, and they closed the door quickly. I transformed back into a human and watched them leave. I sighed and sat on the floor.
"Well that was an interesting view."
"Happy I entertained you." I growled. I paced around the cell and thought. I inspected the glass around me again. Still no way out. Still trapped in this infernal cage.
Natasha slammed open the door and gave Loki his lunch. She walked over to me and opened the door. I smiled. "Hello Natasha."
She handed my food to me and then pulled a pencil and paper out of her pocket. "Here..."
I looked at her. "What's this?"
"You said we didn't give you anything. Now you can't say that."
"So you give me...paper?"
"Hm. How nice. Yet I'm still stuck with him." I motioned to Loki.
"I thought you'd get along with Loki. You both tried to take over the world."
I looked at him. "Hey, you too?"
He smiled. "Yes, I tried."
"How'd it go?"
He motioned around. "Can't you tell?"
I laughed. "Yeah...me too."
Natasha smirked. "Have fun."
I rolled my eyes and glanced at the piece of paper. "I'm sure it'll be a blast."
Natasha left the room and I flopped back onto the bed. I sketched a dog out on paper and studied it. I hummed a tune and continued doodling.
"What are you making?"
I bit the end of the pencil . "None of your business."
"Is it a drawing?"
I smirked. "Mhm."
"May I see it?"
"Why not?"
"Because it's not done." He stayed silent for a few minutes and I signed the paper. "There!"
"May I see it now?" I groaned and pressed the paper up to the glass. He stared at it for a few seconds and scoffed. "It's hideous."
I smiled and flipped the paper back to look at it. "Well that's unfortunate. It seems to look a lot like you." I looked back up at him.
He glared at me. "That was mean."
I shrugged. "What are you gonna do"
We laughed for a little bit and I took a breath. "How long have you been here?"
He was silent for a few seconds as he thought. "At least a year."
I groaned and flopped backwards. "I'm never getting out of here..."
"Well, we could escape."
I looked over. "I'm listening."
"I've tried to get out before, but it always fails. Now that we have each other, escaping might be easier."
"Hm. It could work."
We spent the afternoon and half the night making a plan and talking. He really wasn't that bad to be stuck with after all.

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