chapter .8

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y/n pov ;

"sorry I'm late professor" i say to Snape slow talker

"don't      make      it     a   habit" he says

i turn away rolling my eyes praying he doesn't see . i walk over to mione she's my only friend in this class anyway so its not like i have another choice is it. 

" today          we        will       be        making     Alihotsy    draught "

what in the world is that i think i know I'm not ditzy as many think i am cause ,i just dont try but i guess its better to be under then over estimated the less they expect the better .wow that's the least Hufflepuff thing I've ever thought .



"what in the heavens is that"

"oh its simple just makes you laugh a lot "she says" dibs not tasting it "

"ugh " i groan " i don't feel like laughing uncontrollably today"

"well niether do i" she retorts  

we start making our potion , Windle slim , mullein derma,  tablespoons, cups, grams, pit juliid. i hear mione chant to be honest i usually have no idea what im doing the only reason im not failing charms is cause Amy copies mione and i copy Amy .

"y/n    y/n  you still here "she says waving her hand over my face.

"yep i am" I say with a confused face

"then help "


after potions

i walk to the west back corridor before sitting at the top of spiral staircase .thats my safe place now i found last week , i put in my headphone and start listening to my favourite song [mines let me love you at the moment but it can be whatever you want].suddenly i hear noise im not taking chances so i hide in the nearest hole big enough to get .

"who do you want me to kill" i hold my breath because im not trying to die

"how did you know"

"why else would you visit in person dad" he paused that's when i realize its riddle that dick ugh why me why now i but even worse if its mattheo that means the other voice is oldey moldey voldey mortcia " so who is it"

"cedric" of course just had to be him "i know you hate him anyway"

"yeah at least this ones easy"

later aka like 10 pm

its been a while since i heard what riddle said yet its still haunting me  , i know ill take a walk its past curfew but we've all broken that rule since 2nd year. 

i walk into the court yard and lie on a bench thinking over todays events

"i know your here cedric " its riddle

i leap behind a bush 

i see him walk over so i scurry away and pray he didn't see me he goes away so i assume he didn't.

mattheo pov ;

i see a Hufflepuff uniform ,must be cedric there a ton of Hufflepuff's but hes notorious for staying up late just cause he a prefect bloody stuck up prefects.

"i know your here cedric "

i see movement by a bush 

i go over expecting too see cedric, i see a pink skirt under his coat but there not his its someone else .

shit i know exactly who it is as much as i hate her she's smart she knows exactly what im doing i get out of there quick.

y/n pov ;

 i don't think I've ever been that lucky before i sneak back to my room , no one sees me . few that was close, 

twice .

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