chapter .1

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I recommend listening to the music whilst reading skip to 0:16 though.

y/n pov ;

I  HATE school .I really do , I've been home-schooled for the past 5 years and it all was fine. That was until dad decided i must go to school with Luna at Hogwarts.

"Ugh" I groan

Luna calmly says to me "Quit complaining, your not gonna get out of going "

"Whatever" I mumble to myself.

later on the train

"Luna" You shout "Slow down ".

She turns running into the left carriage, out of breath, I stand next to her as she introduces me too her friends Hermione , Harry and Ron.   

"Nice to meet you" Ron says .

"Pleased to meet you" Harry says, holding out his hand for me too shake as I did.

"Come sit next to me" Hermione says patting the seat beside her .

Doing as she said I sat next to her whilst we chatted, she is actually really nice I'm don't sure why i expected her too be . I'm gonna say "up tight ".

"So were did you transfer from" She asks 

"Oh I was home-schooled" I answer.

"Wait then why are you coming to Hogwarts?" 

"To be honest with you I don't know my father just decided it ."

"Oh what house do you think you'll be in "She questioned.

"Luna says I'm feisty enough to be in Slytherin but I have a heart of Hufflepuff I don't really understand what she means by that though" I whisper.

"Well I'm in Gryffindor, just long as your not Slytherin"

"What so bad about Slytherin" I say a little too loudly

 Ron answers in unison with Harry " Malfoy "

In the main hall

One professor pulls me aside and says "I must wait to be sorted ".

As I make my epic entrance Dumbledore says , stuff I wasn't listening to then i hear them call my name " y/n Lovegood "

Walking up too the hat like the badass I am , I sit underneath. "hmmm not quite brave enough for Gryffindor , should be a little more inquisitive for Ravenclaw , feisty enough for Slytherin yet that wouldn't feel right so "it whispers 

Loudly it shouts  ,"Better be Hufflepuff".

I walk over too there table not paying attention who I sat beside .

mattheo pov ;

I wasn't paying any attention in the sorting ceremony 

Pansy and Blaise were whispering about god knows what, while Draco was silent he looked nervous .

I hear the sorting hat sort someone into Hufflepuff, I turn round to see the girl who was running after Lovegood at the station .

She looked across the room unintentionally catching my eye for a few seconds .

Before sitting beside cedric talking to him .

"Mattheo" Theodore says "Mattheo" he repeats .

Snapping out my gaze i say "yes "

"Just checking you were alive still" Theodore says back.

y/n pov

As I find my dorm I sink into the soft sheets instantly falling asleep to the sound of peace and quiet . I felt happy I'd made friends and been in a good house .

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