El glares at him. "That sounds so wrong."

"What? Having a crush? But that's the most innocent feeling one can have after platonic love," Finn says. El stops herself from snorting at his ridiculousness. She can tell he's trying hard to make her laugh.

"Not...wrong like that." El groans. "Like...maybe she's just really, really drunk, you know? Delusional? She probably didn't mean what she said?" Even to her own ears, the excuse is pathetic.

Finn gives her another one of his I'm-done-with-your-shit looks.

El howls - this particular beastly sound of frustration has never come out of her throat before. "It's just wrong, okay? Why the hell does Grace like," her mouth goes dry, "me when you exist? Why does she like the stupid, annoying, crazy chick?"

"You're not stupid. A little bit annoying. Definitely crazy."

El slaps his arm.

"Seriously though," Finn says, tone flat. "Don't question it. Grace is amazing."

"I know," El says. She does know.

"You don't meet a girl like that every dynasty!"

El rolls her eyes. "I got it, Emperor Finn. What's your point?" She notices that aching feeling in her chest has subsided for now, thanks to how big of a boob Finn is being.

"My point is, don't let her get away."

"I'm not even sure if the feeling is mutual on my side," El insists.

"You're obviously not straight, that's for sure." Finn pushes her slightly. "And trust me. The feeling is mutual. Maybe you just haven't come to terms with it."

"How do you - ?"

"I have a lot of experience in this area."

"But are you sure - ?"


"But I'm not sure."

"Doesn't matter."

"Yes it does!"

"You're blushing."

"No I'm not." El is blushing.

"El. I know Grace. I like to think I know you."

"That's disputable."

"You two would make the most badass couple. I'm actually kinda scared for the fate of the world if that happens. I picture two hot female overlords who'd subject all men to slavery."

"That doesn't seem far off." El doesn't say anything about the word that pricks her ears the most. Couple. She doesn't know what to think of it. Especially when she and Grace are involved.

Finn smiles a bit wider at this, seemingly satisfied with her reply. "I look forward to it."

An easy silence settles on the both of them and El counts to one hundred thirty-four until she decides to say what's been on her mind for a very long time. "You know, I was jealous of you two."

Finn raises his eyebrows. "I know."

El shuts her eyes. "What?" It was that evident?

"Yeah," Finn says. "It was kind of intentional. Grace's plan, of course. She wanted you to get jealous."

She blinks. "That kind of backfired. Since I was...uh, jealous because it looked like you liked her...and I liked you."



"Well it was obvious that you liked me, too. I mean," Finn runs a hand through his hair, "duh."

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