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Ragini takes her beg to her room........ and Aman shifts his things with Ridhaan........

Ridhaan is sitting on chair sipping tea and Aman is continuosly sairing him

Ri- what?

Am- what??

Ri- why the hell are you stairing me

Am - when does I

Ri- Aman???

Am- when are you going to meet her

Ridhaan looks on abnoxious

Ri- who??

Am- Sakshi......I mean your Maasi.....

Ri- why should I.......she was the one who left me.......

Am- Ridhaan you misbehaved with her that's why

Ri- whatever.......

Am - Ridhaan stop it........ change your attitude otherwise you will loose everyone

Ri- So what....... I don't care......... (afterall i'm about to loose myself)

Am- what??

Ri- nothing........focus on your work

Am- haa......


Ridhaan is in his room's balcony and Ragini's room is beside him........ he finds the lights on...... of her room

Ri- is she still awake........

He then hears some noises from her room

Ri- these sounds........ hope she is safe

He returns to room.......tries to wake Aman......but he doesn't respond to he himself walks towards Ragini's room...... he knocks badly at her door...... he picks a vase...... placed in corner........ Ridhaan hears door clicking sound and without thinking he attacks the person who open the door.......

Ragini shouts looking at it....... now Ridhaan looks at the person he just hit and gets shocked finding Chahat be that person........

Ri- you

Chahat holding his head........

Ch- aahhh you want to kill me

Ragini comes to help him.......

R- are you mad.......Ridhaan

Ri- what the hell he is doing here??

R- he is staying with me........ as he has nowhere to go

Ri- what?? Why?? I mean why he is staying here?? He can't stay with you

R- why??

Ri- because........because.......yeah it's my team and my documantry why should I pay for someone else room

R- Ridhaan

Ch- it's ok Ragini........I'll manage for tonight.......and will make a place in morning for myself

Ri- good for you

R- shut up....... Chahat isn't going anywhere he is staying with me that's it

Ri- (what the hell is problem with this girl.......god what should I do with her)

He pulls his hairs in frustration.......

Ri- ok you are here as my team member so you are my responaibility and I can't let you stay with an unknown man

R- he is my friend not an unknown man

Ri- but for me he I'll also stay here

Ragini and chahat are shocked.......

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