Feeling horrible

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I gazed nowhere specific. Blankly, my eyes moved to where all the vibrant and vivid students danced. Calmer ones, like me, rather sat in the corner- where the couches were. Everyone deep in their conversations, no one seemed to even acknowledge my presence.

I waited for Draco to come back, who, with an assuring smile, told me he would bring me water to 'loosen up' a bit. Slowly and with no energy left in me, I moved my head to search for him in the crowd of students, who all were getting themselves drinks. I couldn't spot him. I internally huffed and returned my head to its previous position.

"I know he does." For some reason, a grating voice stood out from all the others near me and that, naturally, caused my head to snap up. "But still! Don't you agree with me?" It turned into a honeyed voice. I watched with curiosity how the girl with red hair twirled hair lock around her finger.

"I'm not sure." Blue robes, silver blue head band, black hair, legs crossed- her Ravenclaw friend, I assumed, answered.

I turned my head once more, in hope to, this time, really find Draco. I couldn't bear listening to other's conversations anymore, when clearly, what I really wanted was to, as the perfect opportunity was given, sit in my dorm while everyone is downstairs, and spend my energy on things that calm me, like lighting a candle and snuggling down in my duvet, for example.

"Not true!" Yet again, a granting voice was heard. Though this time it came from the direction I was looking at. With all strength, I tried to not show the annoyance or the stress I felt on my face or by rolling my eyes. I was here for Draco. He wanted me here, he asked me kindly. I just couldn't say no. I loved him too much. "Will you shut up!" I looked around to search for that annoying, shrill, unpleasant and unnecessary loud voice. It was ear-splitting.

It was not that hard to find her. The voice belonged to Astoria Greengrass. Seeing her with a wide fake smile on her face made the strong feelings I had about wanting to erase tonight's memories grow stronger. I just wanted to leave. My stomach began to hurt a bit. I swallowed when I felt that unpleasant knot-like feeling in my throat.

She nudged Draco's shoulder as she laughed. She nudged Draco. I blinked twice to make sure I was seeing right. His eyes met mine. Before I could take another breath, I turned around and found myself, once again, in the position I had been in earlier.

Why was he talking to her?

Now I really wanted nothing more than to leave. I didn't dare turn around again. I slowly stood up, not sure what was happening around me. All of sudden I couldn't concentrate on people's individual conversations.

"Hold on, hold on, hold on. Where do you think you're going?!" A wide eyed Pansy stood in front of me. Her arms were stretched out, holding me by my shoulders in order to stop me from leaving.

"Pansy, I don't think I-"

"You can't leave me alone here!" She whispered dismayed. She pressed her lips into a thin line.

"I'm like really not feeling good at all, Pans. Please, forgive me this one time. But there is nothing more I want than to leave."

She took a dramatic, loud breath before nodding. "Alright. But let Draco know that you're going. He'll be worried and haunt me down or something."

"I don't think that's necessary."

"What? Why-"

"Pansy, I'm really really tired. Let's talk later, alright?" My eyes felt heavier.

"Alright. Goodnight." She gave me a hug.

"Goodnight." I mumbled before flashing her one last smile and making my way to the stairs, that lead up to the girls dormitory.


The room was lit by a scented candle I really liked. I adored the atmosphere in my room. There was no noise at all, just me sitting in comfortable clothes and writing down stuff that came to mind. My bed was already messy since I planned on climbing in very soon.

I dipped the tip of my quill into the ink. From the corner of my eye, I noticed the doorknob turn. I kept my eyes on my parchment.

"Love." He said.

He walked to stand behind me. "Love." He said in a more playful tone, bending down to the level of my ear. I felt his chin on my shoulder before he snuggled his face into the crook of my neck. "No need to be jealous. I'm all yours." He mumbled, leaving a kiss near my jaw.

I didn't answer.

"You're giving me the silent treatment, really?" He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before letting out a short breathy chuckle.

"I can't write when you're all up on me." I tried to keep my voice as dead as I could.

"Is that so?" He asked as I could feel him wrap his arms tightly around me, giving me a warm hug. "Am I a distraction to you?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"I really don't see a point in talking to you right now." I opened my Potions book and began copying the text, voice still cold as ice.

"Alright. But I'll always listen to you, just know that." He went silent after that statement and I could feel him breathe against my ear. He was watching me write. And to be completely honest, it was the most relaxing moment of my entire day. His breathing calmed me. I noticed how I had been breathing unevenly since I saw Draco with Astoria downstairs.

"I don't like the feeling I get when I see you talk to her." I told him truthfully in a very calm tone, not stopping copying the potions texts once. He kept silent for a second before taking a breath.

"What do you feel?" He asked, his tone matching mine.

"Not sure." I answered, not wanting to think about the feeling. "I just feel horrible I guess."

"(Y/n)" his stern yet still so smooth voice made me stop writing, my attention fully on him. With his strong hands, he turned my chair around before placing them on the desk behind, arms on each side of me. Looking at his face made it so much harder to stay irritated. I felt the chill, that crept up my body and warmed me up. "For once and all, I need you to finally understand, that I will never ever love anyone the way I love you. I wish I could show you what I feel, because whatever I do will never be enough for you to know. With every breath I take, you are on my mind, (y/n). And that will be that way until the very last breath I will take. If I ever break your heart, just hit me to make me come back to my senses. Is that clear?"

My breath stuck in my throat, I slowly nodded. He smiled widely and made me stand up, hugging me once again. My face was buried in his suit, arms wrapped around his back. He held me tightly


I had no idea I what to name this chapter?? Just ignore the title please lol

Hope you liked it!

Have a great day/ good night!

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