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To Draco

I do not want to give up on trying, that's why I keep sending you letters, in case you wondered. Even though it has been a year and I have no clue about where you are, how you are doing and what you are doing, I will still tell you about how it's going with me. Mother has left home to visit my aunt. I am sitting at my desk right now, writing to you being the most exciting thing I have done today- or in the last few weeks. I am warm, in case if you're worried about me. I have lit candles. It's cozy. The stars are shining through my window. I'm alright. I also miss Hogwarts a lot, as I always tell you. Though I have heard it has become horrible, considering Snape is the headmaster (I may have unintentionally eavesdropped a conversation the last time I was in Hogsmeade). Everything's awful, Draco. I feel awful. It's unbearable. I have not seen you in so long. Maybe you're not even receiving my letters. Or maybe you throw them away without reading them. It's been a year, Draco. You haven't replied, please stop scaring me. Tell me it's a joke. Please just send me a sign so I do not have to worry. Tell me you're alright.


I put my quill aside and folded the piece of parchment. "Malfoy Manor. But be careful, please. You know his window." I patted my owl after giving her a treat and tying the letter to her leg. I watched her spread her wings before flying out the window. In the dark of the night she disappeared in an instant. I blew out my candle. I was tired. I wanted to sleep.


"You haven't been in Hogsmeade in a very long time." The noise of dishes continuously rattling rung through the dim-lit kitchen. The tip of my finger traced the handle of the mug I held. Daydreaming, I gazed at the wooden table I was sat at.

"I know." I almost muttered.

"Then why don't you go today?" The noises stopped as my mother noticed how I didn't pay much attention to her words. "I just want you to go outside, (y/n). No excuses, no complaining, you have had no school in a year."

"As if I had a choice." I replied harshly, irritated, not wanting to hear more about the same topic we kept discussing for severe months.

"Attitude, young lady! You will go to Hogsmeade today, no complaints."


I pulled my cloak tighter to my body, fighting my way through the strong wind and the by snow covered ground. Entering The Three Broomsticks made me let out a sigh of relief. Warmth greeted my face, the smell of sweet butter rose to my nose; I found a spot in the back and felt comfortable and satisfied at once.

Time passed and I could not tell how much. Everyone had left, not one person was in sight anymore. The lights were off. I wondered how much invested I had been in the book I was reading, that it didn't make me realize the suspicious dead silence. And how did no one see me? Couldn't they just have told me everywhere was closing? Was there a new rule I didn't know of? The Three Broomsticks hadn't been closing this early before, that I knew for sure.

I arose from my seat, stuffing my book into my bag. Slowly, I approached the exit to leave and go home. It was pitch dark outside. And from there, it all happened very fast. With the first step I took in the snow, an awful and high-pitched scream tore every nerve in my body and I covered my ears as soon as I could. And I suddenly realized, my appearance had caused it. A dark figure appeared right next to me, long dark robes were the only thing I could make out in the dark. Their harsh grip startled me. The next thing I knew, My feet was torn from the ground, I was pressed through time and a very small room, only to land on a black ground. We had apparated. I got pushed forward.

"And this is?" A cold voice with high confidence echoed in the large room with high ceilings and windows.

"She was out past curfew, Mr. Malfoy. She might know where Potter is." The voice, which I theorized belonged to the man in the black hood, answered.

Draco Malfoy imagines/ one shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin