She rushes out to tell the guys. "I'll give you tw- wait I mean three some alone time and go help them find some lights." Bruce says removing his gloves and walking out the door and closing it behind him. Tony stares at you lovingly as you stare at your baby boy. You look up at Tony to see that he has tears in his eyes. Bruce had Lily swaddle him up in a blanket.

"Do you want to hold him" you ask. "Wait let me wash my hands first" Tony says. He walks over to the sink that was in the room. When he was done drying his hands off you carefully placed your son in his fathers arms. Tony's tears were getting harder to hold back. "Oh baby, Why are you crying?" you ask him. "It just I didn't think I could ever love someone this much." He says. You smile at him.

"I've never felt like this before it's something different it's something more than just feeling love" he says. All you could do was smile. You then hear a knock on the door. You tell them to come in. It was Lily and Bruce with the Bucky Tony quickly hands you the baby and flips the blanket down to cover your still sore lady parts. "Thanks for helping me keep my dignity Tony even though Bucky Lily and Bruce have all seen my lady parts." You say laughing a bit.

"Bruce I'm starting to feel a little pressure down there so hurry with those lights" you say. "It's only been seven minutes since he came" Bucky says looking down at his watch. "That's how it works you can't control when the other twin comes" you say. It takes them another five minutes to the lights set up. Bucky then leaves and Lily comes to take the baby and put him in the bassinet.

She then comes to hold your leg. Tony goes back into the position he originally was in the first time. You hold on to Tony's hand and the bed handle. You then start to push. "F.R.I.D.A.Y turn off the backup generator and notify Happy to turn it on in ten minutes quickly" Tony calls out. She does as told and the lights go out. The room was only lit up by flashlights.

You start to push and even those lights start to flicker. After about two minutes your baby girl was born. You and Tony were both very emotional. Lily cleans her off and clears her air ways. Bruce started to press on your stomach to get out the "extra stuff that comes out after". He then gets up to go check on your son. You look over worried that something was wrong.

"Nothings wrong I just have to run a few test and then you can have him back" Bruce says. You smile at him.  "Oh and I already stitched you up down there but be careful if you have to go to the bathroom" he says. He then walks out of the room with your son. Lily walks over handing you your daughter. "So do I get to know her name" Lily ask. "I don't even know her name that was Tony's job" you say. "It's a name that you said you liked" Tony says.

Tony sits there staring at you smiling. "What?" You ask. "I can't look at two of my favorite girls" he says. "Let me guess Casey is your other favorite girl?" You ask smiling up at him. He nods then leans down to kiss the top of your head. "How ya feeling?" he asked. "I'm still a little sore in my lady bits but I couldn't be happier." You say. You then heard crying coming from outside the room. You saw Tony lean up a bit.

"He's fine Tony he's with Bruce" you say. He relaxes a bit. A few minutes Later Bruce walks in with your son who seemed to be a little fussy. "He doesn't like to get shots" Bruce says and you chuckle a bit. Bruce was gonna hand him to you but you shook your head no. "I think Tony needs to see that he's okay he got a little nervous slash protective when he heard him crying." You say.

Bruce nods and hands him to Tony he then takes your little girl and goes to do the same thing. But he walks back in. "You can feed him if you want his jaws are strong enough now." He says then walked back out of the room. 

You looked up at the baby and noticed he was getting fussy. You sat up straight though it was a little hard because your legs were both numb from pushing out two kids. "I should probably feed him." You announce. You start to unbutton the top of the hospital gown  "Wait those open on the shoulder" Tony ask. "Yeah so that it's easy for moms to have skin to skin as soon as the baby comes." You say. Once you finish unbuttoning the gown you reach out to Tony.

He hands you the baby and you latch him on. "I think it'll take a while before I get used to seeing you with a baby attached to your breast" Tony says. You chuckle a bit. "Well pretty soon it'll be two attached to my breast." You say. Bruce then walks in holding your daughter. He had put hats on their heads and hers had a little bow. "Oh my goodness look at her little bow it's so tiny." You say in a quiet baby voice because she was asleep.

"She was shocked when I gave her the shot but she made it through." Bruce says handing her to Tony. "Okay I'm gonna finish feeding him then we have can have the kids come meet them if they are awake" you say. Tony agrees and sets your daughter in one of the bassinets and goes upstairs to check on your other two kids.

He knocks on Peters door. He doesn't hear anything so he cracks the door open. He sees both Casey and Peter sleep next to each other. Casey was cuddled up into Peters chest and Peter had his arms around her. Tony laughed quietly at how small Casey was compared to him. She obviously got your height.

Tony went back downstairs to you and told you they were sleeping. "I love their bond even though they have a huge age gap they still have that brother and sister bond." You say getting a little emotional. "Can you put him in the bassinet and hand her to me?" You ask and Tony hands you your daughter. They both had yet to open their eyes but you knew it would happen eventually.

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