Chapter 3

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The Next Day...

I awake the next morning before MieMie. Which was a score cause I got first dibs on the bathroom. I was able to take a shower, do my makeup, and hair without being in a hurry. I was now sitting at the table eating porridge for breakfast.

"MieMie are you up,  breakfast is ready." Mom called out.

"Coming." Mie drawled out. Then I saw a bit of red.

'There's no way... right? I mean, I got it young but... no'

I was relived until I heard Mie scream from the bathroom. I got up with Mom and ran to the bathroom door.

"This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This isn't happening." I heard Mie repeat.

'Was I right?'

"MieMie is everything okay on there?" Mom asked. "Are you okay honey? Are you sick?" Mom then went off to name every possible sickness there could be.

"Mom... chill." I said trying to calm her down.

"No!" Yelled MieMie.

"Wait. Is it... that? Did the red peony bloom?" Mom asked. Dad backed away. "Jin. JIN! It's happening."

"No... maybe?"

'Oh! That's happening... THAT"S HAPPENING!'

"Don't worry honey, mommy's here." Mom said backing up in a vase almost knocking it over in the process.

"And so I big sis!" I went to my room and under my bed to grab may stash of comfort food I hide for my monthly visit from mother nature. I could hear in the background in the bathroom mom explaining what a period is. 

"Can you just get out!" MieMie yelled. "I'm sorry, stop it. Stop talking. I'm a gross red monster!" MieMie started sobbing. That was weird MieMie never talked back to mom. Ever, something is up. 

The fire alarm is going off now.

At School... 

In the car MieMie was really quite.  No talking what so ever. I looked back at her from the front seat.

"You good MieMie?" I asked.

"Of course sister." She said with a weird robotic voice. 

We pulled up to the school. Mom puts the car in park, then grabs some stuff for MieMie.

"I know it feels strange MieMIe. But I promise no will notice a thing." Mom said with reassurance.

"Thank you for your concern Mother." Mie said. "But I'll be fine."

"Well here's  your lunch. I packed extra snacks with the help of Daiyu. And herbal tea. For the cramps. It helps relax you..." Mom was about to explain.

"I got it. thank you. BYE!" MieMie then hopped out of the car. Stopping before school giving mom and me a thumbs up. Then walked in.

"Daiyu! please look out for you sister today." Mom pleaded. I looked to her.

"Sure mom." I sighed with a smile. 'I didn't get herbal tea for my period?... It's fine MieMie needs it.' I grabbed my bag an went in.

I walk towards the school to go look for MieMie. I look down the hall to see her with her friends. And she's rubbing deodorant on her face.

"What?" I said confused. "Hey, MieMie!" I run up to them.

"What!" MieMie yelled as I got there.

"He said your mom went nuts." Abby said.

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