Chapter 2

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Later that evening...

"Heyo! I'm home from practice." I called out placing my gym bag and shoes by the door. I walk into the living room to see Mom and MieMie watching Jade Palace while making dumplings. While dad was in the kitchen cooking. I walk in the kitchen.

"Hey dad." Giving him a side hug.

"Hello Diayu." He smiled back to me. "Dinner will be ready soon." I went to the sink to wash my hands off.

"Ugh He should have listened to his Mother and married the other girl." Mom commented on the Jade Palace episode.

"Totally." Mie got up with the dumplings to give to dad. "Siu-Jyu is so two faced."

"She is using him to get to the throne. She's probably going to stab him on their wedding night." Mom said. Mie nodded in agreement giving Dad the tray of dumplings. He inspected them.

"Perfect." He commented. Mie gave herself a yes for the compliment. Just then music and a voice started playing from the TV. 

"And now, you can experience them LIVE!" The voice said, "4Town will being their North American tour! Ticket's on sale NOW "

"Oh My gosh! Mie freaked out clinging to the sofa.

"Who are these hip-hoppers and why are they called 4town if there are five of them." Mom questioned with disgust.

"I don't know, some of the kids at school like them." Mie hesitantly said.

"You mean Miriam. That girl is odd." I retorted. Mie looked a little saddened by Mom's word. I get it she has said not so nice thing about my friends to.

"Dinners ready." Dad said. Mom got up to join him. I went to MieMie.

"Miriam is a great friend, don't worry." I told her.

"Thanks Diayu." She responded. We went to got eat dinner.

After dinner... In MieMie's room...

I was sitting in MieMie's room as she did her homework. Why not go to my room right beside hers... I was bored. She was currently listening to 4Town while doing homework. Humming along to the lyrics.

"Kinda looks like Devon." My head shot up from the magazine I was reading. 'What?'

"I don't get what Mir sees in him." She scoffs, 'This is to funny' "He's not that cute."

"Really MieMie." I giggled.

"Okay his shoulder's are kind of nice, I guess. His eyes are... fine." She said say I hear scribbling. I'm guessing she is drawing him. Mie then gets up and starts acting weird?

"MieMie, you okay?" I ask as she slid down the side of her bed, then under it. I then heard furious scribbling again and heavy breathing. "And she's drawing again."

Then mom knocked on the door "MieMie, Diayu?". Making Mie freak out and lay on the bed beside me. "Do you want a snake?"

"Cool great thanks." Mom looks at her wired. Hell I would to with that response. The mom looked down to the ground. 'You looked at the notebook...' I sighed. 

"Is this your homework." Mom said picking up the book. Then turning the page to MieMie's drawings.


"Oh. Oh my. What... What is this."

"Do not."

"Oh.Oh! huh?"


"MieMie what is this?" Mom questioned,

"It's nothing just a boy." MieMie said.

"Mom, calm down." I tried to say.

"A boy!" Mom shouted.

"Did he do this to you." Mom questioned. Mie tried to grab the book out of her hands.

"No, it's not real mom. It's nothing, it's just imaginary!" Mie said. This argument is to chaotic to follow. Mie tired to grab the book away again ripping the pages in the process.

"That hat?" Mom said, "Is that, the sketchy clerk from the Daisy Mart." She stomped out.

'Oh no'

"Mom, wait!" I said running after her.

"Mom. NO!" MieMie yelled.

At Daisy Mart...

"What are you doing?" Mie asked nervously.

We arrived to Daisy Mart after Mom's furious drive there. Me and MieMie were trying to stop her. But she continued to stomp in, I speed walking behind her, and MieMie stumbling over her feet.

"" Mie said. Mom charging into the Mart. The entry bell ringing.

"Oh snap." Tyler, Mie's bully, said. I gave him a look. He shut up immediately.

"Mom, NO!" Mie said again as Mom went up to Devon.

"You!" Mom pointed to Devon making him stumble back into his chair.

"Who?" Obviously not know who my sister is.

"Mielin Lee, right here." Tyler said. Causing everyone to look at her. Mie looked petrified.

"Lee?" Know the last name sounded familiar to him. 

"I should report you to the police." Mom said.

"Mom stop it." I said going up to her at the counter. "Devon did nothing wrong." Trying to defend him.

"How old are you? Thirty?"

"Um Seventeen." Devon answered

"This is was happens when you don't wear sunblock and do drugs all day!" Mom said "She is just a sweet innocent child. How dare you take advantage of her." Bring out the drawings.

"Mom, don't!" I spoke out.

"MOM!NO!" Mie shouted running up. But like in slow motion she didn't make it. The drawings were on the counter. Devon and everyone is the store saw them. Devon saw, looked shocked an disgusted. Picking them up and looking at them then at me sister. Everyone was laughing at her. I stood in front of her. Devon then looked up to my eyes.

"The Daisy Mart has lost a loyal customer today." Mom said grabbing MieMie and walking out. Leaving me there. With everyone. I sighed, pinching my temple. Looking up to everyone that was once laughing at my sister. Glaring at them. Grabbing the drawings from Devon to leave. Then turning to Tyler.

"Watch out little man." I glared at him. "You're small enough to fit in a locker." I begin to walk out.

"Diayu! Wait." Devon spoke out.

"No Devon..." I sighed, "It's not your fault. I'm sorry." Leaving the store. And leaving a saddened Devon. Getting in the front seat of the car, I look to my Mom.

"What is wrong with you?"

Back at home...

Before bed, Mom and I got into a fight. She was arguing that it was her right as a mother to protect MieMie. Fair point. But she shouldn't have embarrassed her like that. That gives fuel to a fire. Plus MieMIe will think that it's her fault. I need to talk to her.

"Where are you going young lady." Mom said to me.

"I'm going to talk to MieMie. Then go to bed." I answered.

"But we're not done talking." Mom said.

"Yes we are mom." I walked to MieMIes room. I knocked a bit, "MieMie?" I walked in to see MieMie throwing all her drawings and notebook away. I go up to her and hug her.

"I'm sorry this happened tonight MieMie." She just stood there, not saying anything.

"Goodnight MieMIe." I said leaving.

"Goodnight..." It was so faint. I go to my room an got ready for bed. 

Later that night I could hear MieMie having a nightmare.

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