I... like him? (2)

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Touka showed a little surprise in her eyes. Was he say it for real or to calm her down? She would burn him down with no mercy if he lied, although she felt happy about it.

Touka sighed in relief rested her head on the concrete wall nearby to relax a bit.

"Give it to me." She ordered and hung out her hand

"You mean this first aid kid?". Kaneki stupidly asked back


Kaneki realized that he had just let out an idiot phrase like that, his lip curled up a little, making up a soft smile on his face. He slowly approached Touka.

He touched her wounded arm lightly. Touka flinched in surprise and turned around to face him. She intended to shout at him for his sudden action, but her injured shoulder stopped her. It collapsed with the concrete wall because of her previous sudden action. The violet-haired girl quickly covers it with a frown on her face.

Touka gave out a groan in agony and shut her eyes, trying to ignore the intense pain.

"Are you okay?"

"..." It would be a lie if she said she was okay. She can't say anything.

"Give it to me. I can do it on my own," Touka said after her pain had lessened.

"Stop being stubborn. You know you can't manage to do it with one arm."

Unlike other days, Kaneki looked at her with concerned eyes and determination. She can feel it by looking straight into his grey eyes. It seems like she can't win this time, Touka defeatedly sighs.


"Thank you" He just made a quick smile and then held her wrist up.

Her skin is so soft. The first time Kaneki had skin contact with her, he has to admit it, even though she was fighting a lot, her skin was smooth and comfortable to touch. He nearly lost himself to her excellent cover.

Kaneki pulled out a little alcohol bottle from the first aid kit to get back to work. Touka's eyes widened in fright, and she seemed worried about the little bottle in Kaneki's hand.

"W-What is that for?" Touka asked nervously

"Well, the manager said it works for ghoul as well as for human."

"That's not the point! I mean, that is irritated."

Touka tries to contract with him and hopes he won't mercilessly pour that substance onto her wound.

To her reaction, instead of saying something stupid, Kaneki handed her his handkerchief with a soft smile on his face.

"Tch" Touka understands what does he means by his action. She begrudgingly grabs the little clout on his hand and sucks it in her mouth.

"Sorry Touka, It will end fast."

She slightly nodded

Kaneki squeezed the bottle and slowly dropped a few drops of alcohol onto her wound.

The pain calmed down a second ago and now comes again, but this time harder. Once the alcohol drops on her wound, the agony is hundreds of times greater than before. It is just unbearable.

Touka can't hold it down any longer. She groans like hell in her throat. Her eyes tightly shut, biting the cloth in her mouth stronger.

The sensations make her go insane, her mind goes blank, and all she does is try her best not to withdraw her arm from Kaneki's hold.

After a while of suffering, Kaneki stops pouring alcohol and takes out the bandage to wrap around her shoulder. He finishes with a small knot then lets her go.

"Your injuries are okay now, Touka. I'm sure you'll be fine tomorrow. Feel free to call me if you need help".

Touka just nodded slightly. She didn't pay much attention to his sentence. She was too exhausted to speak since she was groaning so loudly that it drained all of her energy from her body.

"Touka-chan, are you..." Someone cut his sentence before he could finish it

"There you are, Kaneki. Am I working my ass off to serve customers for you to go flirting with her? Get your ass in now!" Koma came with anger in his voice and shouted at the poor Kaneki.

"Sorry, I will come in now."

Koma sighed and walked away from them to get back to work.

Kaneki quickly ran after him. Before he went too far, Touka remembered something and called after him.

"Kaneki, your handkerchief..."

"You can keep it. I'll take it later" Kaneki continued to run, not bothering to turn back to face her. And soon enough, he left Touka alone in her thoughts.

This handkerchief has its scent. It smells good. Realizing what she just thought about, Touka shakes her head rapidly and pushes that thought away.


5:45 AM

Touka's eyes slightly opened. The moon outside her window was the only light source in her room. She closed her eyes again, trying to get back to sleep.

She can't get it. It has been a week since that day. His voice, his sentences keep repeating in her mind. "Touka-chan, if you're dead, I'd be despondent" Her heart pumps every time she thinks about it. It's so weird. Touka is still facing him a lot at work, still bullying him at work... It's just so odd for her to feel this way.

Am I like him? She quickly shakes her head to get out of that thought. No way, He's a useless half-ghoul, no way I'd ever like him.

"Damn it, can't get back to sleep," Touka cursed as she got out of her bed.

She makes herself a cup of coffee and then comes back to her room. The sun hasn't risen yet. Fortunately, the direction of her window view is facing the east, which means she will be able to watch the sunrise.

"Guess I'd watch the sunrise while enjoying my coffee then."

The sun was beautiful in the early morning. Touka lost herself in the sunrise while enjoying her coffee.

It is so peaceful. Since Hinami came, many things have occurred and made her so stressed plus, she's in the final year of high school, so she needs to study like hell to apply to a good university, which would be extra stressful.

Her eyes wandered around on the empty street. No one was there this early morning. Her eyes caught a figure, by the appearance she could tell that it was a male and he was running on the empty street. Why was someone running this early? Taking a look more clearly toward the figure

"Black hair, slim, wearing an eye patch... eye-patch??"

As Touka mentioned to the eye-patch, she flinches in surprise to realize who it is

"Kaneki? What was he doing this early?"

A/N: 1000 words for chapter 2, I'll try to make it 1500 in the next chapter and try to stay between 1500-2000 for each chapter.

Vote please :D

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