I watched him as he dug through his closet before walking back over to me. 

He pulled the sweater over my head, careful to not touch my palms as he guided my hands through the sleeves. It went down to my mid-thigh, hiding the dress underneath me completely. I turned to look at the clock, feeling relieved that it wasn't 1 am yet.

"I should've gone with you," he whispered nearly to himself.

My eyebrows tugged together, "Why? It's okay if you don't like me, Nico."

"Maribelle, you don't understand what the fuck you're talking about," he called me by my full name while he ran his hands through his hair in a frustrated motion.

"Then why don't you tell me?" I almost spat, my frustration starting to build.

I don't like not understanding how he feels. I don't like not knowing if he wants to be around me or not. If he likes me as a friend, then just say that. And if he doesn't, even though I'll probably cry, just say it. 

He shook his head slightly, and what I think is anger covered his face. He rubbed his jawline as he avoided my eyes.

He ignored my words and walk past me. I watched his back as he exited the room, and I lifted the fabric of the sweater to my nose to smell it while I tried to calm down. 

After a few minutes of not coming back, I went downstairs to find him. 

I entered his living room, my head tilting slightly as I watched his body language. He was tense, his fists clenching as he crossed his arms. 

"You're mad," I observed. 

"Yes, I'm fucking mad, Elle!" he almost yelled.

He looked around the room as if he were trying to calm down. His face turned back to mine and he stormed up to me, his eyes never leaving mine.

He stopped directly in front of me, less than an inch between us. He stared down at me, "I'm fucking mad because you got hurt, Elle. Because I want to protect you, and I didn't. I'm mad because I got fucking butterflies hearing your voice on the phone as if I'm in fucking middle school."

When my eyes started to move away from him slightly, he grabbed onto my face and forced me to look at him again. His voice was quiet this time as his thumb brushed my bottom lip, "But the thing that I'm most mad about, is the fact that I want to kiss you so fucking badly."

My heart jumped in my chest. Did a triple frontflip.

"Then kiss me, Nico," I stood up on my tiptoes to make my lips closer to his. 

He looked like he was fighting an internal battle with himself. I watched all of the emotions that flooded into his green eyes like Niagara Falls. 

He whispered, "There are things you don't know about me, Elle."

"I know," I nodded. His eyes darted around my face.

He gave himself one second to take in my words. One second to think about them, and then he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine.

My arms wrapped around his neck as his lips against mine made my legs feel weak. He tasted like mint gum, telling me that he had been chewing it earlier. His hands stayed on my waist as he pulled me as close to him as he could, and my hand grabbed a handful of his hair.

When he pulled away, his eyes stayed on mine. His hands went to my face, cupping it while his thumbs brushed up and down my cheeks. 

"Do I have permission to ask you something personal?" I asked while staring into his eyes.

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