857 18 75

First person: Broomer

The sun was glaring into my closed eyes i open them and Chalky was still sound asleep, his face buried in my chest. I decided to stay there until he wakes up, i still couldn't get over how how adorable he looked in his dragon onesie! He was so tiny and pretty

There then was something moving, Chalky woke up and was moving away, but i pulled him back in, i wasn't done cuddling him yet

"Mm hey Broomer, can you let go please?" I felt his forehead to see if he was still warm, he was but now a lot cooler, most of the heat was in his cheeks they were also a rosy pink colour
"are you feeling alright, your cheeks are really warm"

Chalky sniffled "yeah, i feel a lot better then yesterday, thanks for helping me out man!" He literally jumped out of bed and grabbed the laundry basket, "kay imma do the laundry, you can help yourself to some breakfast" Chalky then just frantically left the room.

I went to the kitchen and looked around for some ideas for breakfast, i saw a box of spaghettio cereal, so i grabbed a bowl and some milk and made myself some breakfast and i put some bread in the toaster for chalky

After a while i was almost done with my cereal when Chalky came into the kitchen, "oh hey Chalky, so when can i get my top back?" I said before chugging down the milk in the bowl, i nealy got brain freeze

"Oh the Landry should be done in about thirty minutes" then the toaster popped, i went and grabbed the toast, "voila, here's your toast!" I slammed the toast onto the table. "aw, thanks Broomer" Chalky ate his toast, apart from that we just sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"mm! So about those cupcakes, when can i get those?, or just my sugar" he kinda squealed?
"Yeah i broke out of my mom's house, and i left the sugar there, I'll try to get you them tomorrow."

Chalky gave me a weird look and looked like he was gonna say something but didn't "before you ask, yeah my mom is a bit insane in the membrane! Runs in the family."

I picked up my bowl and put it in the sink, i turned around and Chalky was gone, it was like he never existed.
I felt something in my chest sink, and everything around was cold, i went to the living room and just sat down on the couch, the windows were wide open and the early morning sun was bleaching the room and blinding me.

I can't believe i just cuddle with him all night, god I've gotten so clingy to him, it's ridiculous! My whole body was so warm and i curled my body up.

"uhh are you okay?" Chalky was behind the coach, his arms were hanging over the back and graseing on me, i nod because i think if i spoke i would just be screeching "well i put the load in the dryer, you can have it back in a bit" he sat down next to me and played with my messy braid and pulled my hair a bit.

I tried not to look at him, i wanted to look at him but i also couldn't stand it either, i couldn't get over last night, it was engraved into my brain or something. I sat up and started to breathe slowly, at the rate my heart is going i might have a heart attack.

"I love how fluffy and frizzy your hair is, it's so long!" He had undone my Braid while i was thinking "yeah, i don't really like getting it cut, and it makes me look like a rockstar!" I lean into him dramatically

He loosely grabbed my my waist and giggled, i frozed a bit and i didn't know what to do, when he did let me go, i gaved him a side hug, while trying to not choke him. "i like hanging out with you, you're so nice"

"yeah you're fun too!" Chalky put his hand over my shoulder, then there's this weird tune plays "oh, that's the dryer, hold on" he walked away.

After a bit he came back with the laundry basket "here's your top back" he grabbed the blanket out of the basket and wrapped it around himself and i put my top on, it was warm.

"i love my blanket when i get it out of the dryer" it was like he was in a blue cocoon, he looked so squishy and cuddly, i went in and hugged and nuzzled him. "Well I'm gotta go, have a good day Chalky"

"Have a good day, love you heh" i just started walking away i went outside, and i started walking to my house as i heard a faint scream coming from him, i ain't dealing with that shit anymore, god, why did he say that?!? He probably just meant it in a friendly way, but what if he didn't, agghh! Should i have said something back, probably not, it would be so weird, i don't wanna lose him, he's such a good friend.

then i got home and just went inside.

To be continued...

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