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First person: Chalky

I threw the pillows on the floor and the blanket into the landry basket so i could change the sheets, i went to the closet, hoping my legs wouldn't collapse, and grabbed a pink sheet and started to put it on my bed, i got two sides done before Broomer came in.

Jesus fuck! He's shirtless, huh looks like he's been working out, good for him, but i literally froze in his presence, oh my gosh! my face was getting insanely warm, god i was so gay, i still am!!

"Uhh do you want help with that?, also where do i put this?" he pointed to his now soaked top, how did he do that, i didn't know.

"N-no, I'm good, um a-also put that in the landry basket, I'll uhh clean it" i finished up the sheets and put my pillows back on the bed and jumped back on the bed, it was just now i realized how late it was getting, yellow orange casted all over the room, it made Broomers hair look extra golden, his eyes also just really look nice in this lighting

"Man it's only 4:46 and i already feel exhausted" Broomer lied on the bed with me looking directly into my eyes, my chest felt like it was gonna implode on itself and there was an entire family of butterflies living in me, i liked it a lot i really didn't want it to end

"Y-yeah i feel a bit sleepy too, um to bad i don't have another blanket" honestly i was already warm enough, i really like the feeling of a blanket on top of me

"So... Yeah... I should probably head home now, uh see you tomorrow" i didn't really want him to leave, it still felt to soon for him to go. "Umm y-you can s-stay around if you wanted to" i didn't really think he wanted to stay but i mean, i might as well give it a try "so i can sleep on the couch, sure thanks!"

"Um no, i kinda- um you can sleep here if you want" i started breathing faster, geez oh mah gwad, he's gonna think I'm weird
"You mean sleep, in here, w-with you?" He said, i just nodded.

Then he got in the bed and layed down, by this point the sun was almost completely down, the only light coming in was a little red light from the window apart from that the room was completely dark and blue. I was starting to freeze up.

"so um, this is nice..." Broomer said in a sleepy voice, glazing over my hand. "Mhmm, yeah, i-i've enjoyed hanging out with you, you're nice" i hid my head in my pillow, i couldn't look at him. "Yeah, you're h-honestly amazing, i-im very glad i meant you" he then moved his hand on my shoulder, we were quite close to each other, i really wanted to just cuddle up with him, he looks so soft n' cuddly

Okay i was gonna cuddle with him "um its uh getting cold, so... Do you wanna cuddle up with me?" There was a moment of silence before he pulled me in, rahh!! I love this so much! I'm gonna explode!!! I nuzzled his chest and it was so soft. it was like baking in a oven

I was yawning and my eyelids were getting heavy, i wanted to stay there forever, like a statute i just allowed myself to get dragged down by the sea of sleep and drown in it

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