Chapter 4 - Moebius

Start from the beginning

"I'm going with you," said Hina

"Yeah sure"

We are moving towards the place addressed by Draken.

We had reached the meeting point but there was no one here... at least tell us about what time, or maybe I heard bad and I was wrong? No no no, the place is right ... I think

"Were you supposed to meet here?" Hina asked

"Yes..." Take-chan and I answered together. Then we heard a noises. We turned around to see what these noises were and it would seem that a gang on motorcycles are approaching, it could be them... well if they are not I will protect Hina and Take-chan, it should be easy, me against a whole gang hahaha... ah.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Hina said moving behind Takemichi

"Yes it is, Hina don't worry I'll protect you and you too Take-chan" I said going a little ahead of them

"Hey!" yelled someone, walking towards us "What have you got to stare at, huh? Get away!"

Another person came and they started threatening us to leave and one of them took Takemichi's collar, assholes don't touch my brother.

I took the person by the arm that was holding my brother and with my free hand I took him by the shoulder and then tripped him and threw him on the ground

"Are you deaf or what? He told you that we were told to come here, but if you want to fight I will be happy to accept, especially if you touch my brother" I said

"Are you by chance Takemichi and Y/n?" Asked a boy, also beautiful if I must admit, coming towards us

"Y-yes" my brother said putting me behind him to protect me and he shook my hand calming my tremor, was I shaking? I have not even noticed, I think it is the fault of the adrenaline.

"Why are you disturbing the captain's guests?" The silver-haired boy said to the two people who had disturbed us by sending them away

"Are you okay Y/n-chan?" Hina asked looking at me if I'm okay, I nodded in response and I saw the boy approach me because Takemichi had moved away since those two were gone

"Takashi Mistuya, pleased to meet you" the boy introduced himself, giving me his hand

"Y/n Hanagaki the pleasure is all mine Mistuya-kun" I said and gave him my hand but he took it and kissed it making me blush from this gesture

"Follow me I'll take you to him" he said releasing my hand and walking away, we followed him and I managed to calm down

"Yo Takemichy, Y/n-chin. Sorry if I invited you without warning" Mikey said smiling, stop it Mikey you're making me melt with that smile..

"Why did you bring your little wife?" Draken told Takemichi.

"I-I told her to come since we were already together," I lied to cover up my brother

"It's ok then. Ah Hina sorry for scaring you the other day" Draken apologized, you are really a good boy underneath eh Draken.

I smiled at the scene but when Draken called a certain Emma, ​​a blonde girl appeared whom called my brother wuzzy boy. Did I miss something?

Takemichi tried to explain the misunderstanding to Hina but Hina beat him... 'what's going on?' I wondered with a confused face

Hina and Emma left and I decided to follow Draken and Takemichi because he announced that the meeting would begin

"Y/n-chan isn't it better if you go with Hina and Emma?" Draken asked me worriedly

"Nope, I have to stay next to my brother if by chance he gets in trouble" I said smiling, holding onto Takemichi's arm

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