[Chapter 4]: Unchaining You, Who Is Sealed

Start from the beginning

My steps neared closer and closer to the ritual side, the beating of my heart resonating through the quiet atmosphere.

Ba-dump Ba-dump.

The palpitations increased and I could feel an extensive amount of thrill spread through every vessel in my body. I used my hands to cover my face, my eyes widening with incomparable excitement as an uncontrollable grin plastered itself on my face.

'Heheh,' I thought to myself silently. Their clock was ticking, closer and closer to their ends.

My body twitched with the greatest exhilaration as the maids turned around to glance at me, an indication that I had reached the site where the ritual was to be held.

However, soon, disappointment filled me. An empty field of wheat-coloured grass, its luscious leaves gently flowing in the wind as cows and sheep scattered along the paddocks, their calls filling the atmosphere. What I was presented with wasn't the site in which the King of Curses was trapped, but instead...

A plain farmland.

I anxiously bit the tips of my nails, unable to process the situation. A figure as powerful as the King of Curses would never be sealed up in such an ordinary place. I glanced to the sides, unable to find the talisman he was said to be sealed up in. So then...

What was their intention? Were they planning to lock me up in her-

No, it couldn't be.

As my worries had reached their utmost, a memory from the past I had stashed away in the deepest corners of my heart resurfaced, barging in on my mind.

The purplish bruises...scarlet wounds that lay across my body...the trembling figure which used to be me...and the man in front of me.

'Father' was like the sun, shining a bright light upon me in my darkest days. I, who craved for such warmth, attempted to grasp onto something that never belonged to me...

And ended up wounded.

The betrayal I felt when that man took off his facade, when I took my first glimpse at the other side of the sun, an ill-tempered man who lashed out on me.

Ah. It hurt much more than any of the blood I shed.

As my mind continued being pulled into another world, the voice of a maid brought me back to reality.

"Are you alright, miss?" asked a maid, annoyed.

Right. I couldn't afford to be absorbed in my thoughts here. I inhaled and exhaled slowly. I looked up at the maid, who signalled me to walk forward.

As I walked toward the farmland, suddenly, the sky changed colour - from the bright blue of the night sky to the abyssal darkness of night.

I turned around, shocked at the change of scenery. I glanced at my maids as they scoffed.

"This is a curtain, miss, which has the ability to conceal this site from others, since we don't want civilians and our enemies knowing of this matter," laughed a maid.

"It is something those who have the ability to use jujutsu know of. Oh... But you don't know of it, do you?" snickered another as the other maids giggled along with her.

However, such mockery didn't bother me in the slightest as it was something as common as the act of sleeping to me.

Instead, I focused my attention on my surroundings as an ominous aura brought shivers down my spine. Clouds of pure darkness swirled around the centre as I squinted my eyes to take a closer glance. A talisman in the centre, with several chains grasping onto it.

The Unforgettable You (Sukuna x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now