Chapter 1

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He placed the letter on the table and stared at it thoughtfully.

"Jon, you know what you need to do." Said Bran.

Jon looked over his shoulder and sighed, "it won't be good if she sits on the throne." Sansa suddenly intervened.

Jon stood up to turn to them. He's tired of them controlling him in this way. He was the king. He was able to stand on his own. "Thank you for the advice, from here I will deal with it alone." He said assertively. He was tired of this disparaging attitude more than anything. Jon knew they were right, but the way to approach that had to be his decision. And that's what will happen. He will decide. He will not let Daenerys Targaryen sit on the throne that is responsible for everyone. Chances are she's just like the rest of this family.

When they left, Jon looked at the letter, and read it again.

"Dear King of the North, Jon Snow, You are summoned to Dragonstone by the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Daenerys Targaryan Mother of the Dragons. There are many matters to talk about, and your presence is required.

Tyrion Lannister,
Hand of the Queen."

He had so many questions. The letter was short and to the point, but Jon expected more. The Queen seems to like to leave things as a surprise. The fact that Tyrion turned out to be The Hand of Queen Daenerys made Jon wonder, what did he do to get such an honorary title. Especially after what his family did to hers.

He knew why he was called there. She wants him as an ally to overthrow Cersei's monarchy, and he needs her too, for his war. Jon was never under pressure to be king.. but he would not let her sit there. He will take the throne, and will rule balance, harmony, and peace. He can not risk the queen being like the mad king. It will make him stupid.

He took a feather, and a clean paper, and started writing. Writing the response.

A Month Later

Jon got out of his boat, with his chin up high. Looking at the great castle that now, was again, the place of the Targaryens.

Tyrion walked them inside. And Jon, He didn't know what, but this place made him feel... Welcomed. looking around it, he felt that it would be a place he would gladly jump to for a visit anytime.

"Be careful." Tyrion told them and they all jumped to the floor the moment they realised he was talking about the huge dragon that moved above them.

"They're really here..." Jon whispered in amazement.

Tyrion smiled as they all stood up. "She is waiting. Come." He continued to walk.

Tyrion knew it was something extraordinary.. but his reaction wasn't as near as Jon's. While Jon was staring at the beast with amazement and excitement, Tyrion was frightened.

"I know. It's hard to believe even after seeing it with your own eyes." Tyrion chuckled.

"Aye." Jon smiled at his old friend.

They reached the doors and the guards opened them.

The unsullied Jon thought.

Davos walked first, when Jon entered, he hoped his eyes weren't mistaking him. Because what he saw, was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.

"You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains." The dark skinned woman said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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