Chapter 9

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Right after Sophia left, the room fell into a deep, somewhat, uncomfortable silence. Normally it was always you who took the initiative on talking first. However this time, your mind was so preoccupied processing the discovery of Nicole's feelings, that no words left your mouth

And while you were drowning in your chaotic thoughts, your black haired friend just stared at you, wondering if you were okay. Because even though you weren't looking at him, he could sense that something was troubling you. And seeing you stare off into space, the boy sighed as he knew that this time, it was his turn to speak first

Clearing his throat, which made you jump out of your thoughts, Nicole spoke " Lady Y/n is everything alright?" he asked 

" I...well" you felt your face heat up as you stared in his dark violet eyes " There's actually something that I would like to discuss with you"

Nodding his head, Nicole gestured for you to take a seat 

" What is it?" he questioned once settled down on the sofa while you sat across from him in one of the chairs 

Despite knowing exactly what you wanted to say to him, you couldn't manage to get the words out, as your lips didn't part but instead remained pursed in a fin line

You knew that it was probably because of your nervousness that they stayed shut. And as it proved to be rather difficult on finding the right sentence to start this conversation, you nearly chickened out 

However, remembering Sophia's words about how her brother 'apparently ' seemed to really care, or better said loved you, the feeling of curiosity overpowered your fear. Thus in the end helped you to eventually open your mouth and speak

" I.." you clenched your sweaty hands together " This morning...I've...received your offer for an engagement " 

Despite speaking very low, almost in a whispery way, Nicole was able to hear every exact word, loud and clear

And this time it was his turn to feel jittery

" Right..." he lowered his head " About that, I'm sorry if it might have shocked you "

" It kinda did, yes" you chuckled "  But before discussing that, I want to know something "

Leaning forward, with his elbows on his knees Nicole peered up and looked you straight in the eyes 

" Did  you perhaps..."


" Well..."


" Send the offer to the wrong address?"


" What?"

" At first I thought it was for me but then I remembered how you said that you've only liked a girl once and that currently, you don't have any feelings for someone. So there's now way you would want to marry me."  You said while scratching the back of your neck

" I admit that part of what you said is true. I only took interest in a girl once"

' I knew it.'  You shook your head with a smile ' My dear Sophia I think you've read to many novels'

" See, then this was just a mis-"

" However " Nicole eye's went from soft to a serious, determined one, which made you feel quite intimated as he had never looked at you that way " The other half isn't true as I.. do have feelings for someone "

Standing up, Nicole walked around the table that stood between you and him and went to stand right in front of. Gazing down, he looked into your E/c glimmering eyes " I  like you, Lady Y/n. " he said in the most gentlest way " And it's because of this that I can confidently say that the offer was addressed to you"

You were already feeling your heart beating incredibly fast at his confession. But it only increased more when you watched the black haired male kneel down and look at you with his enchanted smile, that made every girl melt

" Lady Y/n"

" Would you consider me as you future fiancee?"

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( Rewriting/editing ) I love her - Nicole Ascart x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin