Chapter 7

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The next day, after having worked in the garden all morning, Katarina decided that during her break she would go and check up on her sister. Because after yesterday's fiasco, she hadn't seen or heard from her

Knocking on the door of her sister's study room, the brown haired girl waited for a permission to enter. But after standing there for two minutes without any response, she hesitantly turned the doorknob, pushed the door open and poked her head inside 

However to her surprise, the H/c haired woman wasn't in the room which made her raise her eyebrows in confusion

Walking inside the space, Katarina's gaze immediately got attracted by the pile of documents laying messily on the desk. Despite knowing that these files contained information about the candidates who were interested in getting engaged to her sister, the girl remained curious as to what was precisely written in these files

Opening one, Katarina's eyes scanned the paper and right after having read the first few lines did she let out a sigh of disappointment " Now I get why Y/n gets frustrated. These people brag way to much about their status"

" It isn't very polite to look through stuff that isn't yours, Lady Katarina" 

Startled at the sudden appearance of Anne, Katarina nearly dropped the file onto the floor but was able to held it " Ah s-sorry" she stammered and immediately put the document back at it's place

Shaking her head, the brown short haired woman walked over to the desk and put a single map, with what Katarina assumed was another interested candidate, on the wooden table 

" One more?" she raised her brow, bewildered 

Anne nodded " It came in this morning" 

" I don't think Y/n will be very happy when she sees this" Katarina nervously chuckled as she pictured her sister with steam blowing out of her ears when she would see this

" Not happy with what?" 

' Speak of the devil...'

" You have another offer, Lady Y/n" Anne handed her the file. The girl rolled her E/c eyes in annoyance before snatching the folder out of the maid her hands

" Well, let's see who is the arrogant men that...has..."

" What is it?" Katarina's expression turned into an intrigued one when she saw her sisters eyes widen and her lips part, seemingly shocked at what she just discovered

" Anne.." the girl's eyes shifted to the maid " A-are you s-sure this is addressed to m-me" she pointed at herself with a trembling finger 

" It is" The woman replied " Is everything okay my lady?"

Slamming the file shut and placing it onto her desk, the H/c haired girl darted out of the room, out of the house and drove of into a carriage to her planned destination

As Anne remained baffled at what just happened, Katarina, who had snapped out of her shocked state, grabbed the file her sister just received and read it

" Huh?" she brought the document closer to her face, seeing if she wasn't hallucinating stuff. But when she had read it over and over again for like ten times in a row, the girl came to the conclusion that she wasn't imagining things


Placing your hand on your chest, where you heart was beating faster than usual, you turned your attention to the view outside, hoping it would distract you. However, your mind was filled with so many thoughts, that it made it impossible

" I don't understand..." you let out a shaky breath " Why would he do this?"

Closing your eyes, your face scrunched up as you tried to think hard about times that the person might have shown interest in you

Yet nothing came to mind...

Maybe you were dense or he was just good at hiding it...Bu either way you hoped to get your answer soon

And yet, despite this strange happening, there was another thing that the H/c haired girl didn't get

Although she was shocked and knew that this was probably the reason why her whole body was shaken up, the girl was confused as to why she was also experiencing the feeling of either happiness or excitement

Which one? She didn't know

Nevertheless, this emotion not only caused her face to heat up

But it also made an ever so tiny, goofy smile...

appeared on her lips

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( Rewriting/editing ) I love her - Nicole Ascart x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now