Chapter 5

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" Euhmm you guys...What are you all doing here?" you questionably asked, while staring at your friends who stood outside the front door

They were all wearing their none formal clothes and both Maria and Sophia were carrying picnic baskets 

" Well since today's weather is lovely and you have no meetings planned, we thought that it was the perfect occasion to have a picnic together" Maria smiled

" How did-"

" I told them" Katarina said and appeared from behind you " It was actually also my idea. I thought you could use a nice distraction "

Though it was a nice gesture, the brown haired princess noticed how her sister seemed a bit hesitant. After all this was her only day off. And frankly all she wanted to do was just lay in bed and read some novels while snacking

However when your eyes shifted from the ground to your friends smiling faces, you knew that it would quite rude to not go with them

They had planned this specially for you after all...

" Alright" you sighed " Let me get changed then" 


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After having eaten the majority of the food that Maria had prepared the group proposed to go for a hike in the forest around the lake

You spend the first half of the walk alongside the girls, chatting and laughing about good old memories which mostly consisted of the adventures Katarina had experienced

Later you switched from group and talked a little with the guys too. Most of the conversations consisted of their school life's in which you noted that your sister was included quite often

In Geordo's case, it was no surprise. She was his fiancee after all. However seeing Alan and Keith's goofy smiles when they mentioned her name, you had a faint idea that they might have a thing for her

Which you admittedly found a bit odd. Because one, Alan was engaged to Mary and second, Keith was your brother. Well adoptive brother...but still

The only one who seemed to not have a crush on your sister, as far as you could tell, was your friend Nicole. Though he didn't show his emotions, it was noticeable that whenever he mentioned Katarina's name, his tone didn't change. It stayed neutral and calm as ever

Which is why you couldn't help to ask him the following question out of pure curiosity

" Nicole, may I ask you something?" you looked at the boy who gave you a nod

" Have you ever taken an interest in someone?"

At the mention of this question, you saw that his violet eyes widen for a fraction of a moment " Well..." he breathed " Just once" 

" Really? Who?" you leaned slightly towards him, feeling quite intrigued. Yet as you did this, you immediately noticed that his expression contorted into a saddened one

" Sorry, that was impolite off me to ask" you apologized " It's just that I was curious about how that feels."

Gazing at the blue sky between the leafs, you let out a shaky breath " But I bet it must be wonderful "

" It...can be quite complicated as well" Nicole admitted, making you chuckle

" Maybe, yet I'm sure it can't be that troublesome compared to my terrible meetings " you groaned as you thought about how tomorrow you had another ten planned by your beloved mother

" Has no one taken your interest?"

" No" you straightforwardly stated " And at this rate, I fear that if I don't find anyone before my birthday, my parents might decide for me and that's the last thing I want"

" If I have to find a fiancee, I want at least someone who I know I may want to spend the rest of my life with" 

Gazing at you, Nicole felt both joyful and dishearten at your words. He was of course delighted to hear that you didn't plan on getting engaged to some stranger. But if you did find someone, then the thought of you two together really saddened him

" For example" you hopped a few steps ahead before stopping in front of the boy, making him halt " I wouldn't mind getting engaged to you"

In that moment, as the sun shone on you and the wind gently tousled your hair, Nicole could practically feel his heart in his throat

Hearing you say this, with what he would describe as the most beautiful smile he had ever seen you given him, the boy knew then and there...

That no matter what

This time

He wouldn't give up on getting the one he loved at his side

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( Rewriting/editing ) I love her - Nicole Ascart x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now