Beyond His Beauty & His Charm... chap 3

Start from the beginning

I stopped before asking my next question , did I really want to know how I embarrassed myself in front of my boss who is extremely hot and well  I'm me . screw it Ive embarrassed myself already “what did I do?"

he lent back  against the back of a chair smirking “not much” he paused “it was all me really” I didn’t just sleep with my boss? Did i? how could I not remember doing it! I mean I was drunk but that I would’ve remembered right, especially with him.

he suddenly burst into fits of laughter . “I'm kidding, wow I never thought a girl like you’d believe me .Other girls yeah but you , wow your gullible” what a jerk nearly causing me a heart attack.

‘but really what did I do ?” I ignored his immaturity shaking my head.

“Well the bruise on your leg is from the stairs you fell up them so I had to carry you to your apartment” that wasn’t so bad Ive had plenty of those did i mention I'm clumsy.Just like Jessica Alba in good luck chuck. not sure if i mentioned that before ?!

wow wait hold up. he was in my appartment how shameful its not a bad place but he probably lives in a pent house with big tvs exspensive funiture and high end stuff while i struggle just to get the bills and rent payed everymonth. i wasnt poor but i did struggle.  

“huh and the other 2?” i asked hesitantly. 

“The arm was this guy-“ he started  his amused expression falling  into a  serious almost scowl.

“PhoenixI remember” I cut him off  though i wish i didnt his husky voice ringing in my head i could almost smell his disgusting alcohol breath from when he tried to kiss me.

“the 3rd, you couldn’t unlock your door you literally took 10 minuets so I stepped in being the more sober one. By the way why the hell do you have so many keys?”

I shrugged “um I honestly don’t know” I never really did notice my collection of keys on my chain. Now I think about it there must be 12 at least.

He chuckled “thank you” he looked up from his cup slightly surprised.

“Your welcome” he smiled, im not talking his usual cocky or fake smile it was genuine which had me surprised, I was so surprised I decided to take a mental picture because im sure id never see it again or on rare occasions but my god was it beautiful. Perfect straight and white he could be on one of those toothpaste adds just for his smile.  

“well uh the files are on your desk just you know file them in to their spots and ill be in my office finishing off the others.” Then he turned and left, I stared after him sighing. I was actually enjoying this whole normal exchange even though it was slightly embarrassing he had to care for me last night. Of all people it was my boss, how could he look at me now and take me seriously after seeing the drunken clumsy girl last night.

Im surprised he didn’t fire me for being so irresponsible.

“THOSE FILES WONT FILE THEMSELVES!!” he called I grunted pushing myself off the counter and walking out to my desk where said pile of files stacked were waiting.

Here it goes boring work.


Unlike I had thought he did most of the work locked up in his dark room. I wondered how he could even work in the dimness of his lamp without a head ache yet he did with no problem. So I had moments where I could sit back and daydream about well nothing but that was only a moment since he was speeding through his work.

if I was lucky id be out of here by 5 or maybe 4:30pm right at the moment it was 3 the sun was slowly lowering and the air was still cold but lucky our heater system was amazing and kept me snug so I didn’t have to wear my black cotton jumper the only downfall to that, the bruise on my arm and marks had my mind wondering constantly back to what happened. I really am so unlucky it couldnt have happened to any other girl, not that id wish it on girl, but me why me?!

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