Together? Pt. 1

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~3 days later~

It was finally Friday. I've been studying all week for these exams. The Pre-SAT exams include: Algebra, Literature, and Biology. I don't know if I'm ready for Algebra, but I hope I can do it.
I arrive at school early so I can review some notes. Passing these tests will help me get into a good college.
I head to homeroom and wait at my desk for the announcement for us to go take our exams. The exams were gonna be held in the library, which was on the second floor. I saw Aaron come in through the door.
"Hey bud! I have some good news! I have tickets to go see our favorite group!" he said coming towards. He showed me the tickets, and I couldn't believe it. He bought us tickets to see Krewella at a concert later tonight!
"Oh my god, dude. How did you get these? I thought they were sold out!" I said with excitement.
"I actually bought these tickets a few months back. I was saving them for today, so we can go together!" he said. I kinda blushed when he said 'together'.
"How are we gonna get there? Who's driving us?" I asked.
"I actually drive. I just never told you." he said, laughing a bit.
"Oh okay. When I'm finished with my exams, I'll meet you at your locker and then we can go." I said.
"Yeah sure. This is gonna be fun." he said, smiling at me.
The loud speaker came on. "Students who are taking the Pre-SAT exams, please make your way to the library. Thank you."
I started grabbing my things and getting ready to go.
"See you later then." I said to Aaron
"Good luck on those exams." he said, shaking paws with me.
I left the classroom, went up the stairs, and into the library. I took a seat in one of the corners in the back of the room. The room was a little crowded.
"Everyone, please take your seats. The exams will begin very shortly."
They started passing out the papers, in which I started my exams.

~2 Hours Later~

"Everyone, please pass forward your exams. Testing is now over." the teacher said.
Everyone got up from their seats and gave the papers to the teacher. I'm hoping I did good. I had a little trouble in Algebra. I handed my paper in and went to lunch.
I sat down at my normal spot and saw Aaron coming over.
"Hey. So how did you do in he exams?" he said as he sat down next to me.
"Biology and Literature were easy. I only had a little trouble with Algebra." I said.
"Oh alright. Anyway, you ready for the concert tonight?" he said excitedly.
"Yup! I can't wait to see them." I said, wagging my tail.
"Cool! I'll pick you up after school." he said, patting my back.
"Okay. Thanks!" I said. This is turning out to be a good day. He's never made me more happy than anyone else. He's so perfect.
The bell rings. I shook paws with Aaron and left to my next period.

~2 Hours Later~

I leave Art class and head to my locker. I grabbed my books and left the building to see Aaron waiting in his car.
"You ready?" he said smiling.
"Yeah, let's go!" I said.
I got in and strapped my seatbelt. I pulled out my phone to text mom.

Vince: I'm going to a concert with my friend.
Mom: Don't come home too late. Be home by 11:30 pm.
Vince: ok, ttyl.

I didn't know how long the drive to the concert was. I wanted to ask him, but I also didn't want sound impatient.
"How long till we get there?" I said, without hesitation.
"Probably like an hour." he said. I checked the time and it was already 3:30 pm.
I was feeling a bit tired, so I told him, "I'm gonna sleep. Wake me up when we're there."
"Alright." he said, scratching my head. I kinda blushed when he did that. Everytime he's happy, I'm happy. He makes a cute face whenever he looks at me. I started to close my eyes, then I was sleeping.

~1 Hour Later~

"Hey Vince, we're here!"
I hear Aaron and him shaking my arm. I opened my eyes and started stretching my arms. I saw Aaron looking at me.
"Come on, let's go!" he said, as he got out the car. I got out as well, and saw a lot of cars around.
"This place must be really crowded." I said.
I started following Aaron to the outdoor concert. Their was a lot of flashing lights and a lot of people screaming. I'm guessing Krewella was already on stage.
"Let's hurry!" I said. We both started running to the entrance and we gave our tickets to this big otter.
"Enjoy the show." he said as we made our way in.
We got seats as close as possible to see Krewella. The hole place was jam packed.
"This is so exciting!" Aaron said, wagging.
"I know!" I said back to him.
Krewella started playing. This was seriously the best day of my life.

~2 Hours Later~

Krewella started gathering up and leaving the stage area. I manage to hear some songs from some of their albums. They played at least 12 songs. Aaron and I started leaving to the parking lot.
"Well that was fun. Wasn't it?" he said, smiling at me. He was really close to me, which I blushed.
"Yeah! It was awesome. Thanks for taking me." I said looking at him.
"I want to take you somewhere else." he said, confusing me.
"Umm, okay. Where?" I said, tilting my head a little. He grabbed my arm and said, "Come with me." I was a little nervous. We started walking through a forest that was near the parking lot. I wanted to know where we were going.
"Where you taking me?" I asked nicely.
"Something amazing." he said as we kept going.
We eventually made it to a cliff, over looking the ocean. It was sunset, and I started to think maybe that's what he wanted me to see.
"You like the view?" he asked, looking at me. I had no words. The view was so beautiful, I couldn't keep my eyes off it. The wind was flowing through my fur, it felt good.
"It's amazing." I didn't know what else to say. We sat down on a bench that was facing the sunset. He was close again, and my heart was beating fast.
"Brrr.." I was shivering because I forgot to bring my jacket.
"You wanna wear my jacket?" Aaron asked nicely.
"N-no, its fi-"
I was interrupted when he said, "Hey, no worries. It's fine. Here." He gave me his jacket I put it on. I felt a little better. He moved closer to me and put his arm over me. My heart was even going faster.
"Th-thanks for bringing me." I said nervously.
"I'm glad to be here. Especially with you." he said.
I didn't know what to do. He's being so sweet, I can't help myself. So I decided to do something I regret doing.
I looked at him, and kissed him on the muzzle. I realized how wrong it was so I quickly pulled back. Aaron was frozen. I probably blew my chance. I got up and started running through the forest, crying.
"Wait, Vince! Come back!" I heard him yelling. I couldn't believe what I just did. I couldn't go back. I ran to the nearest bus stop and took a ride home.
I didn't know what to do anymore. After tonight, I just want to be alone.

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