Hanging Out

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My last 2 periods are History and Art. I actually loved being History class. I have straight A's.
Art was one of the places I really didn't want to be in. First, I can barely concentrate on my work while other people throwing paper balls around the room. And second, this guy that sits behind me always harassing me. His name is Ken. He's a big, muscular tiger that plays quarterback in football.
As soon as last period was over, I packed my things and tried to leave. Before I reached the door, Ken grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled, which made me fall back.
"Ahaha! Damn you are really weak!" Ken said with laughter.
I wanted to punch him in the face so bad. I never had the strength to do it though.
"What's the matter? You gonna cry?" Ken said.
"Just please, fuck off." I said with anger. I just wanted to get this day over with.
I left the classroom so I didn't have to deal with him.
I went straight for my locker, placed my books in, and grabbed my coat. I saw Aaron coming down the hallway.
"Hey Vince!" he said as he came towards me.
"Hi." I said with a bad expression.
"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" he asked.
I tried to wipe the anger off my face. I didn't want him to see me angry.
"Everything's fine. Anyway, where do you want to hangout?" I said.
"Let's go to my place. My parents aren't home yet, so we can chill until they do come." he said, scratching his head.
"Okay, sure!" I said happily. I put on my coat and grabbed my bag, and then we both left the school to his house.
We were walking and took like 15 minutes just to walk to his house. I still couldn't believe I'm hanging out with someone. I didn't even know what to say or do. I kinda wanted to know a bit more about him.
"So, why did you transfer?" I felt like that came out wrong. I feel so stupid for asking.
"My parents were looking for a better life, for me especially. They wanted me to have a fresh start and find new friends." he said.
"So, they simply forced you to move out with them?" I said,
"Well, it wasn't by force. I also thought it was time for me to start looking for new things to do." he said, looking at the sky.
We finally got to his house. It was not too big, not too small. He had a small porch out in the front, which looked really nice.
He opened the door to his house with his keys. When I got inside, it smelled of cinnamon. It was probably a air freshener, which smelled really good. His living room look cool. He had a plasma TV and a very soft couch.
"Let's go up to my room." he said. I followed him up the stairs. He opened the door to his room and it looked really good. His walls were painted red, which was my favorite color. He had a TV put up on his wall, which I thought was very cool. He even had Netflix on his TV!
"So, what do you watch on Netflix?" I decided to ask.
"Not much. Some anime, American Horror Story, and MTV." he said.
"American Horror Story is one of my favorite tv shows!" I said with excitement.
"That's awesome!" He said back.
It was about 2 hours I stayed at his house. We got to know each other better, and we had a few things in common. His parents came home, and that was when I had to leave.
"We should hangout again sometime!" he said, with a smile.
"Yeah, sure!" I said with excitement.
"Here's my number if you ever want to talk." He said, giving me a piece of paper with his number. I never thought I would ever get someone's number. He's a really nice guy, so I decided to him mine too.
"H-here's my number too." I said very nervously, handing him my number on a paper.
"Thanks!" He said with a smile.
I followed him downstairs and he opened the door before I could. He was very nice.
As I left the house, I looked back to see him still standing by the door. When I looked at him, he winked at me. I couldn't tell if that was a friendly wink, or flirty wink. I start to walk back home. Today was a good day.

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