Chapter 23 ~ Saving Them!

Start from the beginning

I want to know only one thing. He came here for me or to find vaccine against the virua? If it's the vaccine, I will be broken than ever.

Should I ask him or not? Wait! No! If it's vaccine, I will be broken. I don't want to be broken. Instead, I don't want to know it. I will atleast stay happy with him scolding him for his mistakes lifelong.

He said to me, "umm.. rose.. I texted that I'm safe and sent my current location. A helicopter will come and save us. Then it will take us to WHO research facility."

I asked, "who actually sent the helicopter?"

He said, "UN"

UN? he mean United Nations? Oh my God! A helicopter was sent by united nations to save him?

He shocked a minute like he missed something that is very important.

I asked, "what happened?"

He said, "oh my God! I forgot my test kit in your house! I need that!"

I sighed in relief that it's not a big deal.. I said to him, "don't worry. I will take it when I rescue Min-Jun from there.."

He sighed and said, "thank you for your service.."

I asked, "so.. what about England? Ireland was affected and what happened to England which was in death end of spreading?"

He said, "the virus started spreading in whole England. Because of lockdown, England's 70% of population got saved."

I was really worried about that 30% of population. But feeling happy that 70% of people have been saved.

I asked, "when will the helicopter arrive?"

He said, "today night by 2.00 a.m."

I was really worried about my friends. It's all because zhuri. They have nothing to do with it. Even though, Denise and Jack was still supporting me when zhuri blamed me.

And about Carolyn.. she was mentally not stable. She was actually in a tension that Judson wasn't in conscious.

They were by my side for 4 years. They showed me what is happiness. I can't leave them for just a simple problem. I want to take them out of this hell.

I don't want to leave them like this. I don't want to be so rude. I took my phone and saw 100+ messages sent by them.

I asked Asher, "can I take someone else who is more important for me?"

He asked, "who?"

I said, "my friends.."

He said, "you mean that blamers? You want to take them? They just blamed you! How could you-"

I cut him off saying, "how could you just tell them like this!? They are my friends. They saved me when you left me in this hell after breaking my leg! They saved my life! If they didn't come there in correct time, I would've died in that spot itself! Don't you dare to say them like that again!"

He looked shocked that I burst out.

He mumbled, "I'm sorry."

I ignored him and started scrolling through YouTube. It was all news about virus. Even I saw videos like World is going to end. It might be true for this situation.

Also there was videos about second wave. Oh my God! No! No second wave! We can't even survive first wave.

I threw my phone in sofa to not see these things.
Later, It was 7.00 p.m. time to go get my friends. Before that, I should save that korean girl!

Ugh! I have a lot of work! I went downstairs and told loudly, "Asher! I'm leaving to get her.. your business partner."

"Ok" I heard him tell. He was in his room upstairs. He was typing something in his laptop when I last saw him. Maybe still doing that work.

I left out and went straight to my house and saw my door freaking damaged. It was like a monster devoured it! God!

I went in and saw many zombies wandering around my house. I took my gun from my pocket. It's actually a soundless gun. I stole it from Asher's bag before 2 days.

I shot each and every Zombies with that. Finally no zombies were left alone. I went straight to Min-Jun's room and knocked her door. She slowly opened the door and sighed in relief when she saw me.

I whispered, "bring the test kits. We're going to research facility in five hours."

She nodded and carried a bag with her. She asked, "let's go!"

We started walking down the stairs. The whole time I was raising my hands with a gun. I don't know whether there's enough bullet to manage more zombies.

Before the bullet gets over, I should save her. I can't and i won't let her die! I won't able to bear that guilt with me forever.

I was walking down the stairs in a great fear. I'm not fearing for myself. But it's Min-Jun. I fear she will be caught by zombies.

I saw Min-Jun's face and could see fear in her face clearly. Don't worry girl! I'll save you! I'm not that week to give you up.

Finally I reached out and saw a lot of zombies. I shot some and yeah! The bullet is over. I said, "run girl!"

As I said she ran fast and the zombies noticed her footsteps and my voice and started chasing the foot which is Min-Jun.

I was fighting like Jackie Chan climbing on wall and punching them. When I saw Min-Jun entered the house and closed the door, I sighed in relief. Thank God! Now I don't want to fight with these waste shits.

Now, she can't open the house door. If she does, the Zombies will hunt them. So I will first go to my friends house and get them. I should save them for sure.

I took my car and drove to my friends house. There was a lot of zombies in the way! God! They don't have manners!

I got a call when I was driving. It was Asher. I picked up the call.

He didn't let me speak and said, "where are you!? Your should get ready soon! There's a change in plan. The helicopter will arrive soon in just an hour."

What!? Heck! I definitely can't leave my friends here. They did a lot to me in these years. I should show my gratitude to them. Yeah! I should be grateful!

I said, "I'm not going with you without my friends.."

He almost yelled, "rose!! What!? It's getting late. They can't wait for us! We should go fast!"

I don't know what to do.

When Asher left me here before 4 years, I was heart broken and thought that he don't have any feelings for me and was faking.

If I leave my friends here, they will be heartbroken same as me and think that I was faking with them. I don't want that happen! I don't care if he leave me here. I don't want to go anywhere without my friends.


How was that!? I'm not completely satisfied with this chapter. But in the corner of my heart, I feel like it's good enough for y'all to read.

I'm hoping you are..

Well, take care! Bye!

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