Fighting together (TUT part2)

Start from the beginning

Ishani and Aryan, being the opportunist they were to bring Riddhima down, intervened, "You see Vansh Bhai, this Riddhima always keeps meddling in our home, arguing and spying around. Today it's a limit. She is fighting with YOU against this Kabir. How can you stay still and quiet and more importantly how can she behave like this with you?"

'Just like you can badmouth me, Vansh can stay quiet because he knows and understands what I'm doing.' Riddhima thought and mentally smirked thinking about her next move while Vansh being away from the centre of attraction- Riddhima, laughed mentally looking at everyone's face, maintaining his composure.

"Exactly Vansh Bhai, this middle-class, cheap girl, how can she behave like this with you?"

"Aryan, did you set up an on-loop feature in your and Ishani's mind?" Riddhima asked with a sickening sweet smile and Chanchal, Kabir and Angre had an inkling of idea about something nasty coming up.

"What the hell are you speaking Riddhima?"

They burst out in anger and Riddhima's smile swept away and was replaced by a fierce look in her eyes and death glares were what Riddhima passed them. Ishani flinched slightly at the fire in Riddhima's eyes but put up a fearless face.

"Then why are you repeating each other's question of why I'm doing this? If Vansh does not mind it, then who are you to talk to me like that, huh?" And Riddhima roared like a lioness releasing all her pent up hurt, anger and frustration at both of them.

It had been very hard for Riddhima to listen to all their bashful comments before Vansh returned as Vihaan and still keep quiet because she was guilt-ridden about her fault. It was painful because she never let anyone tarnish her self-respect because that was all she had being an orphan.

Parents', siblings' and family's love, unfortunately was not in her destiny.

But when she came to this Mansion, she found warmth of parents in Dadi and the love of brother in Angre while Sia never let her feel alone because she always stood by her like a sister, always.

Alas!! Only if Ishani and Aryan could give her the same respect and love. Only if!!

'Stop Riddhima, don't think about this..yet! Right now, it's important to teach Kabir a lesson. Focus Riddhu, focus!' Her brain chided her and she took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

"It's just that you both were speaking the same thing that how can I behave like that with Vansh, I mean c'mon, he is not a child to throw tantrums about such a small thing, yeah?" When Riddhima stopped with a stoic face, IshYan's (Ishani +Aryan) jaw dropped open and their eyes widened at the insinuation.

Today seeing Riddhima so much like her initial form; the fireball she was back then, always ready with a witty comeback, her strong aura that somehow never compromised on her self-respect, they were a bit confused about how things had changed. And now listening to what she said, they fumed.

" dare you imply that we both are being a child if we are respecting our Bhai and asking him to punish you?" Ishani shouted, enraged.

"Then who gave you the right to ill-treat MY wife and call her a middle-class girl when she's the VR's wife?" Vansh lost his cool and shouted at both the spoiled brats.

He had been enraged when Ishani referred to Riddhima as cheap and middle-class when in reality, they both are cheap because of their mentality while Riddhima is a very rich woman because of her innocent yet golden heart.

"Enough now, y'all are figthing when we've got an important topic to talk about." Riddhima tugged at Vansh's arm and looked in his eyes. Vansh closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Calming himself down, he looked at all with a menacing look in his eyes, "I've so many times told y'all to behave with Riddhima the way you should behave with me because she's my wife, my equal and someone as important as Maa, still you keep disrespecting her. Is it that difficult to get it inside your thick brain?"

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