A Breach of Pact!

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Heya lovelies!! Hope y'all have been faring good. Thank you for all the lovely response to the previous OS. A reader commented and asked me to not stop with the questionnaire so here I am.

Question: Your Guilty Pleasure?

Answer: Watching You Tube! (P.S. Answer only if comfortable *smiles with a wink*)

So, without any further ado, let's start. But guys, do vote and comment. Please don't forget giving inline comments. They are highly appreciated!! It motivates me to work better and push my limits to the best. Come, come; Let's rush to the update!


"You stupid creature! Wait right there or I'll kill you." A girl in her early adulthood shouted. Wearing her blue Track pant, white tee and white shoes, she had been chasing her idiot best-buddy for a while now. Her luscious brown locks secured in a tight high ponytail had been sticking to her face because of all the sweat she transpired during her morning jog.

"Catch me first! Then you can kill me for all

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"Catch me first! Then you can kill me for all." He, her best-buddy shouted back, laughing and panting slightly. The sweetest girl he had ever come across in his life, was his best-buddy-cum-bro now for past 15 years after a struggle of 7 years of budding friendship. They had known each other since childhood days and were the closest since then. Their existed no secrets between them and no details of each others' life was unknown to them.

He loved her and she loved him; not romantically but like friends. With a bond as pure as diamonds, they knew what other felt even before they themselves knew about it.

"Cabs, stop it bro! Please, I'm tired of running! For God's sake, I'm sorry bro." "Sorry? You can be anything but sorry, you devil! You complained to Dad, Ridzzy!" Kabir shouted at Riddhima angrily. She had stopped running now; one, because she was tired and two, because she was tired!

"It's not my fault that you could not hide your broken watch at the right place. If I just brought uncle to your room to show him my assignment, it doesn't mean I told him." Riddhima defended herself when Kabir halted at his place and came to hit her at the back playfully. " Moreover, he blackmailed me in the name of mangoes, you tell me how could I lie?" With a dreamy sigh, she waited for him to understand her side. When she knew, her trick was working, she showed her puppy eyes; her ultimate weapon and her work was done.

Releasing a sigh mixed with a shaky breath, he answered," Okay, okay! Your weapon worked now.", shaking his head at the end with a small smile at his lips. She squealed and hugged him tightly, shouting 'Thank You' while he continued after a laugh, reciprocating her hug," Your mangoes are in my custody for these two days, though." Her smile faltered and she looked at him in shock, oblivious to the mischievous glint in his eyes.

After few more arguments, both stepped inside the Raisinghania Mansion and went to their rooms to freshen up.

For the last 17 Riddhima and Kabir, have been friends after meeting at the office's party where their fathers worked and were friends. Though Riddhima lost her mother to a car accident, Kabir's mother never let her feel so. The Raisinghania family loved Riddhima like their own daughter, except one. And why not? She was an adorable kid and had grown up to a sweet, bold and lovely woman.

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