💓Our Tested Love💻(2)

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Welcome back people.

Hope y'all are doing well, especially my silent readers who are so much busy that their fingers do move for scrolling pages but do hurt for pressing the vote button. Sorry but not sorry if you feel hurt.😏 So today's question is
'What is your favourite beverage?'
Do say,okay?
(Mine is hot chocolate. Nothing can match it for me, seriously people.)
Inline comments will be appreciated.

Let's get back to update.


At Café

The man who stands straight turns out to be Aryan(our forever single😉).
He looks into her eyes and their eyes lock for some minutes until Aryan's phone pings for a notification about the alarm of 12.10 p.m.
He says,"Hi Seju. How r u doing ?"
Sejal answers with a mischevious smile,"I am all good but looks like someone can't wait to meet this etheral beauty, hnn?"
Aryan's expression changes and he irritatedly answers," Oh Ms. Etheral beauty! For your poor memory can't work right now, lemme remind you, message came to ME to meet YOU not the other way around, okay? Stop staying self obsessed! I.." He says this with a double quotation in air.

Sejal angrily cuts him," Mr. I called so you came to meet me. If you were so unwilling, then you should have not come, okay? Get this into your head!!"

He hugs her to calm her down because he knew he pressed the wrong nerve and none can handle her better.

She smiles and relaxes in his grip and they both sit on their respective seats not before Aryan giving her a kiss on the tip of her hairs while Sejal gives her fondest and sweetest smile to him while he retreats back to his original position smiling affectionately at her.
She says," Oh teri ki! I am sorry I just forgot to tell you for what I actually came to meet you for.( Narrowing her eyes) Vaise its not even my fault but just let it go.(shrugging her shoulders) You know Riddhu did it(getting excited).She fulfilled her promise. She was too much genuinely happy that I felt so emotional. I am so happy for her." She blinks her eyes furiously to control her tears.

Aryan excitedly says," Sachi! I can't tell you same happened this side too. Vansh too did his job that he took up. I'm so happy for him too. Pta nhi that cheerful, prankster Vansh, where we had lost him? I missed him so much. I am just exploding with too much joy." He smiles too widely throughout this conversation and now both have tears flowing down their cheeks. They were reminiscing the haunted memories of the past that turned their world upside down forever.

(Guys this is the most crucial part now)

Flashback starts
A college is shown where a Computers class is shown. A serious debate is going on between a girl and boy on the topic that their professor( a random one) has shared with them.
(G is for girl and B is for boy)
G: Sir hacking is very dangerous.

B: Sir hacking can help us in many ways like tracing locations and finding secret information without any suspicion.

G: Sir hacking can disrupt someone's life to a great extent.

B: Sir hacking can save someone's life in case of kidnapping or other serious crime.

G: Sir hackers can misuse the information they get.

B: A legal hacker works for the police, crime investigation departments and also he/she can help private detectors with their job.

G: Sir hacking can completely put a scar on someone's soul with the defamation they might...

The bell rings indicating that the break has started. Everyone starts packing their bags while the professor applauds and says," Well done Mr. and Ms. Topper. You give each other a tough competition always. I'm proud to be here, teaching you both. Best of luck for your future endeavours."

All move out and the girl is last one to leave her desk. She is about to move to the canteen but sees that topper boy tapping his foot impatiently on the floor with arms crossed near chest leaning against the wall.As soon as he senses her, he says," As usual, It was fun with the verbal fight, nhi?"
She answers,"Haan but it could last longer, I had so many things to point out."

They start moving towards the canteen and with a smile on their face, discuss random things. One look at them, and one would say that they are the best friends with a great bond and can never fight. But none actually knows their equation.

They both reach the canteen and order their meal of four grilled sandwiches with four Sprite cans.

Another pair comes to them tip-toeing and the pair sitting smiles feeling their presence and acts to be startled when the newly came pair close their eyes with hands. The seated boy calls out,"Sejal!" while the seated girl calls out,"Aru bhai!" The four start laughing while Sejal and Aryan take their seat on their usual corner table in the canteen.

ArJal are 2nd year students of Computer engineering however the other pair which is revealed to be RIANSH are 1st year students. Varyan are childhood buddies and met the Sharma sisters on their respective first day and instantly bonded well. RIANSH are a pair made in heaven whose bond remained untouched by other jealous people while last year Aryan proposed Sejal and they have been dating since then.

Sejal whines," You both instantly everytime guess that its us. Still you always act as if you don't know its us. Why?"

Vansh replies passing a teasing smile to both," You both, bhai and bhabs, (bhabs refers to bhabhi, brother's wife) oops to-be-bhabs, are elder to us still you behave like children. So to not break your innocent hearts we act along to give you satisfaction."

Sejal is used to Vansh's teases,still everytime she listens to the word bhabs from him, she blushes profusely with a beautiful smile and Aryan too smiles widely.

They all continue with their chat, teasings and finish their meal meanwhile. They all get up and finish with the day's classes and as usual ArJal go on their bike while Vansh and Riddhima move to Vansh's bike.

While going, Vansh suggests," Riddhima! I want you to come with me today to a place where we will play and if you lose, then you will do one thing, I'll ask you to or vice-versa. Though I know vice-versa won't happen."

Riddhima curiously asks,"But where will we be going?"

Vansh answers back," Bowling is the game. Stay ready at 4 p.m. I'll pick you up, Okay? And no more questions!" She nodded in reply and they both left to her house.

As soon as she entered, Vansh thought 'I am sorry Riddhu to trick you about all this. But now its high time you get to know what the truth is. I don't know how things will be today but I really want to tell you that I couldn't since the last 7 months. It will be difficult if I tell you without proper arrangements but I'll make sure that it is memorable for you. Just wait sweetheart and then it will be the best day of our lives maybe.'

He drove off from there towards his house.


And I'm done with the update. Sorry guys for the late update but the network issues don't help at all due to the rainy weather here.

Do give your reviews about the chapter and wait for the major incident in the next update.

No target this time but yeah do vote, comment and share if you like the story.

What do you think Vansh is hiding from Riddhima?

And don't forget to answer the question I asked at the beginning.
Stay safe. Stay healthy and at home.

Till next update,


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