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Chapter 21

   The big screen disappeared from his eyes, and Qiao Xi didn't know what happened to Lu Huo.

She was a little worried.

"How much black energy was eliminated this time?" she asked Get Rich.

After hesitating for a while, he said, "Master, this time you can eliminate 1% of the black energy."

"What?" Qiao Xi was a little surprised, "Only 1%?"

The two previous missions were to eliminate 5% of the black energy. Energy, this time it was only 1%. And she remembered getting rich said that as the mission leveled up, the amount of black energy eliminated each time would increase, why this time it was only 1%.

I don't dare to say that after the end of Qiao Xi's mission, she originally eliminated 10% of the black energy, but something happened, which caused Lu Hu's black energy to increase by 9%, and finally only eliminated 1% of the black energy. .

The rich little milk voice was a little nervous, and it trembled slightly: "Master, work hard to complete more tasks, and Lu Huo's black energy will be completely eliminated."

Qiao Xi was depressed for a while.

She didn't say anything more, now Lu Huo still has 69% of the black energy left, and she needs to absorb more gold energy to do the task.

The night before my birthday.

Because Wen Qing took leave to go home to solve the problem, she hadn't seen Lu Huo for two days.

Now she has 18 hours left to live. If Lu Huo doesn't attend her birthday party tomorrow, she can only skip the party and go to Lu's house to find him and stay by his side.

Qiao Xi turned on the warm yellow table lamp by the bedside to soften the light. She chose the perfect location before sending a video call invitation to Lu Huan.

She loves to be beautiful, even if she sees Lu Huo in the video, she will keep her most beautiful state.

In the next second, the video was switched on, the camera swayed, and the boy's cold and stunning face appeared in front of him.

Qiao Xi's eyes lit up instantly. On the opposite side of the screen, Lu Hu was wearing a jet-black silk pajamas. The two buttons at the collar were loosened, and the collar on one side was loose, revealing the thin collarbone.

It should have been just after taking a shower. His hair was wet, and the water droplets fell down the side of his face, slipped quietly across the prominent Adam's apple, and disappeared into the collar.

The whole person reveals a silent sexy, very seductive.

Qiao Xi looked at it very carefully, especially seeing Lu Huo swallowing his throat, the prominent Adam's apple sliding up and down, Qiao Xi felt his heart tremble.

Too useless!

"Is something wrong?" The young man's hoarse voice was particularly clear in the quiet night.

Qiao Xi's skin is good, snow-white and smooth, especially the rich said that the gold energy is repairing her body, and even her appearance has been repaired. Her skin now seems to be top-level care, and she is in a watery state every day. Yes, it makes one want to take a bite.

She deliberately zoomed in the camera, her plain white face magnified in front of Lu Huo's eyes, "I want to see the flameout, I haven't seen it for two days, and I don't know if it's doing well." The

girl mentioned about the flameout. , while a pair of black eyes stared at Lu Huo.

Turning off the flame is just a tool.

Lu Huo brought the flameout that was running around beside him and put it in front of the camera.

The red eyes were enlarged on the screen, and Qiao Xi and Xihuo Hei Mu stared at them.

"I've finished reading it, you can go when you turn off the flame." It blocked her from looking at Lu Huo.

Turning off the fire and leaving the camera in disgust, revealing the cold brows of the young man behind him, "Is there anything else?" Under the

light, Qiao Xi's black eyes reflected light, looking at him expectantly, "Are you coming tomorrow?"

Before Lu Hu could speak , she continued: "My parents have sent the invitation letter to Lu's house, and your grandfather must have told you about it." The

girl's eyes were too hot, and Lu Huo lowered his eyes, "Speaking."

Qiao Xi asked him, "Are you coming?"

She threatened her fiercely, "If you don't come, I won't attend the birthday party, and I will go to you directly. Anyway, I have to stay by your side on my birthday."

Lu Huo raised his eyes, his dark eyes looked at her deeply, and after a while, he replied softly, "Yeah."

Of course Qiao Xi heard it.

She suddenly became happy, "Lu Huo, I heard you agreed, you can't be fooled."


Qiao Xi's birthday party was held on a large cruise ship.

Mother Qiao devoted herself to giving the best to her daughter. She directly chartered a cruise ship and invited many famous and powerful people to attend the banquet.

Huo Yu came back from abroad and attended the banquet as soon as possible.

Today, he is wearing a royal blue suit, which is purely handmade. The well-cut suit is very textured. In addition, he has an extraordinary temperament and a cold and handsome appearance. When he first boarded the cruise, he attracted the attention of countless guests.

The Cheng family and the Huang family sent Cheng Xu and Huang Tao respectively to attend. Both of them brought their charming female companions. When they saw Huo Yu coming, they went there as soon as possible.

"I knew you would come back tonight." Huang Tao held his cigarette and teased: "Tonight you and Qiao Xi will dance the opening dance?"

Cheng Xu laughed and said, "Why don't you ask? Besides Huo Ge, who can stand in front of you? By Qiao Xi's side?"

These brothers all know that Huo Yu and Qiao Xi are childhood sweethearts. In the years of junior high school, Huo Yu often followed his mother in and out of Qiao's house, and Qiao Xi directly called Huo Yu his brother.

No matter their appearance or family background, the two are a perfect match. The parents of the two families even tacitly agreed that the two children would go together, but it was only after the Huo family went abroad to expand the territory that the matter of Huo Yu and Qiao Xi was delayed. After coming down, the relationship between the two has faded a lot because they are separated from each other.

Therefore, the first time Huo Yu returned to China was to visit Qiao's house.

"Have you seen Qiao Xi?" Huo Yu asked coldly.

"It hasn't come out yet, the protagonist will definitely appear last." Cheng Xu said.

As soon as his words fell, he raised his eyebrows at Huo Yu in the next second, "As soon as he finished speaking, people came. You and Qiao Xi already have a heart-to-heart connection, right?"

Huo Yu followed his line of sight. , the girl who followed Mother Qiao out of the lounge was dazzling.

Qiao Xi's skin was snow-white and translucent. She was wearing a light nude pink skirt with small bright diamonds inlaid on the skirt. She was glowing when she walked in the brightly lit cruise hall.

Qiao Xi didn't show her face many times in the early years. Because of her health, Mother Qiao was worried that her daughter would fall ill at any time. She seldom brought her daughter to various banquets and just wanted her to rest.

Many people present were full of amazement when they saw Qiao Xi.

It is no wonder that the people of the Qiao family are famous for their good looks, especially seeing Qiao Xi following her mother Qiao, walking slowly, with snowy skin and black hair, bright eyes and white teeth, and her exposed complexion is as white as fat jade. People can't take their eyes off.

Cheng Xu was also stunned, he quickly retracted his gaze, and touched Huo Yu next to him with his elbow, "Qiao Xi grows up like this, you have to watch people carefully every day in the future, otherwise, maybe He will be robbed one day." 

After I stole the male lead, the female lead cried [MTL] ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ