It is usually a very humorous sight to see.

Naruto detached himself from his cousin and made his way back to Sasuke's side.

He looked up at his husband and smilled widely, before looking at Gaara and Sasori.

"Right now the maids will lead you to your rooms. I have some important matters to attend to with Sasuke. However do join us for tea and cake in the gardens." Naruto said.

Both King and trades man bowed to the beloved Queen, before watching him pull his husband into the castle.

The walk was quiet. Nothing but footsteps could be heard.

Naruto had quickly led Sasuke to his office before closing and locking the door.

With the door now locked no magic spells can infiltrate. Naruto might not have been his mother's favourite, but he sure as hell was not slacking off on his beloved family tradition of learning and controlling the magic around them.

Obviously he refused to teach his son's such an cursed subject. Magic can only be seen as small tricks and little acts of humor for so long. Using it for too long, exposing yourself to something so dark and mysterious was not something he wanted to happen to his son's.

He did, however, teach them basic, but strong protection spell's and maybe a little bit of knife spell's. He didn't want them to dive deap into magic, didn't say shit about allowing them to protect themselves from it.

"What is wrong?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto looked his husband dead in the eye and said,"It's Nezumi."

"What about her? Did she say she was going to arrive early? Did she move the date further? Did she threaten you?" Sasuke asked the last one with much more worry.

"No, but she tried to." Naruto said.

"What did she do?" Sasuke growled out. Ready to behead the girl the moment she stepped into the vaccinety.

"She was the one who poisoned me." Naruto said.

"What?" Sasuke asked with a dazed look on his face.

"Do you remember in our history class there was a passage that said that your great great great great grandfather gave my great grandfather an urn full os seed's?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke mallowes his head.

"Those where not just any seeds. They where nightshade seeds. So I believe that Nezumi was trying to kill me." Naruto said.

"She does have the motive and the resources to do so. But why you? Why now?" Sasuke asked.

"You know about Nezumi's rage and hatred. I think she see's that you are not going to try and remove me to marry her. Just like she is hoping. She is trying to remove me to get to you." Naruto said.

Sasuke clenched his fists and felt the heat of rage rising up in his chest.

Naruto simply just walked over to his husband and pulled him into and embrace.

"She will die before she even sets foot on these grounds." Sasuke said.

"My love. You and I both know that, that is not how it works. We must first find a way to trap her in a lei. You know what happens to my sister when things are not going according to her plan. She break's down. She cry's. She screams. She throws a tantrum like she is a child who wants a toy. That my love is when we should move in." Naruto said.

"Use her own manipulation techniques against her. How fitting." Sasuke said as he put their foreheads together.

"Of course." Naruto said with a sinister smirk.

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