
"President Snow dead." That seemed to be something Katniss could agree with. "Nothing good can happen if he continues to live."

"So," Katniss said. "You want to kill him?"

Amelia laughed, "yeah. Of course, I do." She would do anything to be able to kill him. "After what he did to me." Tears formed in her eyes. "To my family." He killed them. Amelia remembered that now. She remembered finding their bodies. "I don't think I ever told you what happened." Katniss remained silent. She knew they were dead, but not anything more. "When I was in the games, I figured out the avalanche pattern."

"I know," Katniss whispered. She had seen Amelia's games more than once.

"Right." She blinked a few times. "Well, Snow said that my act of defiance made him look foolish. He propositioned me. He told me he wouldn't be defied twice. I declined anyway. He said I would regret my choice. He never asked twice." Amelia wished she could forget this. Seeing her family dead was the worst thing that ever happened to her. "So, when I got back home, I found them. My father and younger brother. Both dead." Katniss was shocked and horrified. "My brother's name was Marty. He was thirteen."

Katniss took a deep breath. "Amelia, I'm so sorry."

"He killed them," her voice was emotionless. "He has to pay for that." It was all Amelia wanted. Only when President Snow was dead would she be able to rest. "He needs to be killed. It's the only way he will be stopped."

"I know." Amelia knew she wasn't capable of killing Snow. She would never be able to get close enough. It had to be Katniss. Her skills with a bow were unmatched. She would be able to do it.

Amelia couldn't pressure Katniss into doing anything, but she also knew her well. Katniss would want to go after Snow on her own. All she needed was an opening. "Get some rest." She stood up. "I think Finnick's wedding is soon."

"It is."

Amelia was getting better with her memory. "I'm sure Coin will want lots of footage of you dancing. So, rest up."

Katniss smiled at her. "You don't sound fond of her."

She wasn't. Coin reminded her of Snow. "I'm not."


It wasn't easy to explain. "I don't trust most people if I'm being truthful." That caused Katniss to laugh. "I'll see you around, Mockingjay." With that, Amelia slipped away and walked out the door.


Amelia walked into the cafeteria. She planned to grab her food and leave, but then she noticed a familiar face. It took her a few seconds to place it. "Effie?" The woman spun around at the sound of her name.

"Amelia." They crossed the room in seconds, meeting in the middle. Amelia wrapped her arms around the woman. "It's wonderful to see you, darling, truly."

"It's good to see you." She remembered Effie. "How are you?"

"I've been better," Effie guided her towards a table. "I mean, look what they have me wearing." Amelia looked at her outfit. It was the same as hers. "Absolutely hideous."

"I think you look great."

Effie stared at her. "You've looked better. Your hair is so," she touched Amelia's hair. "Lifeless." It was brutal honesty. "Come by my room. I'll fix you right up." Effie grabbed her cheeks. "And maybe I can find a bit of makeup for you. You still look like a corpse."

Amelia couldn't help but laugh. Most people walked on eggshells around her. Not Effie. She was like Finnick. "Well, I appreciate that." Effie hummed. "I'm glad you're here, Effie." Amelia thought of how they knew each other. "Is Cinna here?" He was her stylist once. They were friends.

Effie's face fell at the mention. Amelia already knew what that meant. "I'm sorry, dear. He isn't. He's-" she struggled to say the words.

"Dead. He's dead, isn't he?" All Effie could do was nod. "Okay." That's that. Dead is dead. There is nothing Amelia could do about it. Cinna is dead. There is nothing she can do to change that.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Luckily, she doesn't remember him too much. Amelia is still sad inside about the news, but she appears fine. It's easier that way. "Was it Snow?" Effie nods again. That only fuels Amelia's hate for the man. He needs to die. That's the only way anyone could be safe.

Everything bad that happened was because of Snow. He would kill everyone to get to Katniss. Amelia looked across the room, her eyes instantly finding Haymitch. He had just walked into the room. Their eyes locked, and he smiled at her. Amelia didn't return the smile.

Recently, her memories were returning, but who she used to be was gone. Amelia cared for Haymitch. Those previous feelings were returning as well, and that terrified her. She loved Haymitch. He couldn't die. She couldn't lose him. Nobody was safe in a revolution. They are at war. People die in war. Amelia refused to let Haymitch die. He was a good person with a good heart. He deserved to live. She wanted to make sure he lived a good life, free of fear. That would never be her reality, but it could be his. Amelia wanted to give that to him.

"If you're not too busy, I think I'd like that makeover now."

Effie's entire face brightened. "Yes, dear. Come with me." Amelia took Effie's hand. The two were out of the room in a flash.

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