Babies are Gross

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This is about the characters, not the CCs. Please notify me if I've accidentally overstepped any boundaries. Also, please tell me if I missed any tags. I'm not very good at them.
Shippers dni. I will find you

It was safe to say that Wilbur and Techno were upset. Sure they were only 12, but that didn't stop them from feeling such an emotion. They'd probably be crazy if they didn't feel it.

Their dad, who's actually their adoptive dad, just told them he was opening up a spot for another child in their home. Not only a child, but a baby child! A baby!

A babbling, drooling, sticky baby. A baby that would just get into and end up stealing their stuff. Well, not yet, but soon enough it will. It's a common thing they got from them in the past.

"Boys, this is Tommy. I'm sure you know he's going to be staying with us for a while." Phil held the baby out for them to see better.

The baby was a baby boy named Tommy. He had a shock of golden hair and the brightest blue eyes either of the twins had ever seen. He was cute… but he's still a baby.

"Daaaad, why does he have to be here?" Wilbur whined at his adoptive dad. He was staring at baby Tommy with a pouty face and crossed arms.

"Wilbur, we've talked about this. He deserves a home just as much as you." Phil was obviously a bit disappointed with Wilbur's question. He understood it was a bit of a shock and change to suddenly have a new member, but he meant what he said. Tommy deserved a loving family just as much as any of them. Maybe even more than himself.

Wilbur only continued to twist his face into a pout. He wasn't excited for the coming months. If he were lucky, the baby would be adopted and gone within that time.

Techno felt similar emotions, but didn't outwardly show them. He stared blankly between his dad and the baby. He knew what the baby must be feeling. Being given to strangers was definitely weird, but Techno still didn't like the baby.

Tommy was already dribbling all over Phil's hand. Techno grimaced.

"He even has to sit at the table with us?" Wilbur really wanted to know why the baby was everywhere. Wilbur wanted to tell his dad something? Tommy had to be there. They were eating dinner? Tommy had to be there.

"Yes, Wilbur. He needs to be able to see us. He'll get upset and start crying if I don't," Wilbur didn't want to bear any more crying. That kid had strong lungs.

"Plus, he's a baby. They're supposed to eat with you." Phil just smiled softly at Wilbur while he buckled Tommy into a red colored high chair.

Wilbur guessed that made sense, but it didn't make him any happier. At least the baby was far enough away. It couldn't throw food at him or cause any troubles.

Techno on the other hand…

Well, let's just say Techno was not enjoying himself. Just as he thought he might be able to enjoy having a little brother, the little brother decides to be a nuisance.

Tommy decided that throwing food everywhere was something fun to do. How does that even sound fun? It's just not sanitary or ethical.

The main point is that a good amount of the food somehow ended up in Techno's long brown hair. It's going to take at least half an hour to carefully pick all the food out. Even then he still might find some pieces on his pillow in the morning.

"Mate, let's not do that." Phil was trying to lightly scold Tommy, but it only seemed to fuel his actions more.

He was completely ignoring Phil's gentle chides. Instead he started to purposely aim more of his food at Techno.

Babies are GrossWhere stories live. Discover now