"Great Hera!" Wonder Woman exclaimed.

"Argh! We're being compromised!" Batman yelled.

He pulled out what you recognized as a nurotoxin for Bane, and injected himself with it.

"No!" You screamed, running forward.

It was too late.


Long ass story short, Wonder Woman and Flash were possessed. They escaped, along with Raven.

Now, you were trapped in some demonic dimension with even more demonic like creatures.

"I need to get to the crystal!" Raven called to you, and you nodded, along with Damian. You all flew up to the platform, and Raven began to work her magic.

Until you heard a voice.

"Lorri." Someone called. Someone familiar.

"Grace?" You asked, looking around. Raven and Damian were gone. It was all darkness now. "Grace! Where are you?" You called.


You whipped around to see her.

"Grace?" You asked.

"Lorrietta." She whispered, bending down to your height. "It's been so long."

She placed her forehead against yours.

"Stop." You pushed her away. "Grace is dead."

"I was." She smiled. "But Trigon brought me back, Lorri."

"Trigon is evil."

"How do you know?"

"Because Raven told me!" You yelled.

"You trust Raven?" She asked. "Isn't she the one Damian is going to?"


"That boy. You love him. You live for him. And he turns away because he is attracted to the child."

"How do you know this?" You asked, anger in your voice.

"You've known, Lorrietta."


"You just refuse to except it."

"Shut up!" You yelled, throwing a ninja star at her. She caught it.

"Lorrietta, Damian is leaving you." You whispered. "That much is true. It's time for you to leave him."



"Even if he doesn't love me, I love him!"

"That's utter stupidity!" She growled.

"Love is stupidity!" You screamed back. "You're not Grace!"

"Insolent child!" She yelled. "I offer you a better life, and you run to the rats! Trigon could have great use for you!"

"Oh, yeah? Like what?"

"His bride."


"Trigon needs a bride of flesh to fully consume the Earth." She said.

"Raven said-"

"Raven lies!" She cut you off. "Trigon needs a bride, and he has chosen you. All you have to do is accept."

You gasped, eyes opening. The dark nightmare was over, but you were still in the dimension.

"Run, Black Bird!" You heard Raven call. You looked behind you, locking eyes with her, before looking forward again.

A glorious man stood in front of you. Long black hair and chiseled muscles. He looked like something out of a romance movie.

"Lorrietta." He greeted in an oddly deep and soothing voice. "I am Trigon."

"I know." You responded, taking a step back.

He stepped forward. "Please, Lorrietta. I will care for you. We will rule together."

"Why me?" You suddenly asked. "There are thousands of women on earth much prettier than me!"

"Because I feel your suffering." Trigon looked behind you, and you followed his gaze to Damian. "No one should ever treat you that way. So horribly." He stepped even closer, running his utterly gigantic hand along your cheek.

"I will always love you, Lorrietta."

"I know." You responded, looking up. "But I'm not into pedophilia."

With that, you jumped off the ledge of the platform, and screamed "Now, Raven!"

Raven activated her magic, trapping her father into the crystal she held in her hand. She collapsed, and Damian ran to her.

Damian ran to her.

The falling air around you seemed to slow as you turned away from the group.

"What is she doing?!" Blue Beetle yelled.

"She's in shock! Someone get her!" Kori yelled, far to over exerted to even think of flying.

You continued to fall for a few more seconds, feeling numb, until pain filled your senses. Something dug into your back, something like bird claws, and you screamed.

You hit the ground with a gentle thump, and arms wrapped around you.

"Oh, my God! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" Gar's panicked voice filled your ears.

You opened your eyes, and looked to him.



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