"Ow!" Jaime groaned. "Dude, did you have to bring the sword?"

"Preparedness is a prerequisite for victory."

"The gear stays in the car, Damian." Kori said. "Tonight we are to enjoy some mandatory fun."

You opened your door, and Gar met you there, holding in open for you and shutting the door once you were out. You and the team entered the carnival, getting tickets, and then regrouping.

Upbeat music played, and the smell of sugar was in the air.

"This is an opportunity for us to become for familiar with each other." Kori smiled.

"How much more familiar can we get? We've already seen Garfield lick himself." Jaime grumbled.

"As a dog?" Damian asked.

"I wish." Replied Raven.

"Ew!" You smacked Gar upside the head as he leaned forward with his tongue out, as if threatening to lick you.

You all walked over to the faris wheel, Jaime and Gar took the same car. You moved to go with Damian, but Raven didn't notice, and hopped in with him. You bit your lip, and turned on your heel, leaving the wheel and exploring around. You just scoped out the prize section, and bought a bucket of caramel kettle corn. When the team joined you, you were just opening the lid.

"Why weren't you with us, nueva amiga?" Jaime asked.

"Oh, I've been on a Faris Wheel before. Besides, I saw this and had to try it! Want some?"

You held the bucket to the team, and most everyone took some, excluding Damian. You internally scoffed, about to take the bucket back, until he reached over, and plucked a single kernel out, popping it into his mouth.

You stared at him for a moment, before turning back to the boys.

"Wanna win some prizes?" You asked.

Gar took first place in the duck shooting game, which put many boyfriends to shame and their girlfriend's eyes on your back. But Jaime knocked the strength bell out of the park, literally.

Both boys had a handful of tickets as you continued to explore the carnival.

"Hey," Jaime nudged Gar. "Five bucks says you cant make it up there."

Gar groaned. The game was a test of patience and balance. You had to climb a flimsy rope ladder. You looked to the boys.

"I'll do it."


"Hold my popcorn." You shoved the almost empty bucket into Gar's hands, and walked over to the game. You handed the man a ticket, before walking over to the ladder. You put your hand on the base of it, giving it a test, before smirking.

You stepped up, putting both feet on the ladder, and beginning to walk towards the end, hands extended to keep your balance.

You slowly took one step forward at a time, and soon made it, hitting the buzzer. The game keeper looked at you, shocked, before handing you his biggest prize.

You carried the gigantic Panda around on your back, as you and the boys talked while trying to meet back up with everyone else.

"Oh, look!" Garfield pointed to a dancing game in excitement. "I love those!"

"Go ahead." You encouraged him.

Gar ran up, challenging the current champion of the game. He won with ease. In fact, he became the new champion, destroying any poor soul that dare challenge him. Even Jaime.

𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝗱 • Damian Wayne x Female Insert/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now