Chapter 1

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       "Willow come here!" Will heard her brother yell, she got up and slowly walked to the living room. "What do you need Gogs?" She asked, he looked at her and rolled his eyes while Willow smirked. "Whatever," he muttered, "I wanted to know what you want for dinner." "Chinese sounds fine, George are you watching your own videos?" She asked scrunching her face. "Yes, what about it? Now go away." He replied.

Willow put in her AirPods and turned on "Meet Me at Our Spot" she sang and danced around her room as she cleaned, getting ready for her welcome back stream. She had not streamed in over 2 months due to a break-up with her boyfriend, she couldn't bare anyone seeing her in the state she was in. 

2 Months Earlier


"Jesus christ do you ever do anything? You literally can't do shit around here." Matt screamed at her, "I'm sorry, I thought I cleaned my dish up last night! I will do it now, please just one more chance." She replied rushing to the sink, he grabbed her wrist and threw her to the floor. Causing her to scream in pain.

Present time

 "Hello everyone! I know I've been gone for some time, it's been like what a day and a half." She joked reading her chat, "Who's dream why are you guys spamming dream, no you're not dreaming I'm right here." She asked her quick going chat "Okay wait, one sec." She said quickly typing 'who is the dream' into Google. "Oh, my brother streams with him." she shrieked.  She hummed "Love is Gone" as she opened Minecraft.

   She was brought back from her deep Minecraft grind by the sound of a discord notification, it was Dream. She messaged him and asked if they could chat after her stream, Willow didn't get how big of a deal he is and honestly didn't care.

 "Alright, everyone! I think I'm gonna end it here, my food is ready and I'm just tired. Thank you so much for tuning in! I love you all, I'll see you again maybe tomorrow I'm not too sure!" She shared ending her stream and walking to the kitchen, "oh yay food is here!" She squealed, "Did you just stream?" George questioned, Willow, nodded in reply. "That's great! We should celebrate!" He expressed, "No, George it's fine it was a small break." She smiled. George shrugged, "Okay, I love you I'm going to stream."

   Willow went back to her bedroom, laid down on her bed, and stared at the ceiling.  Soon she remembered she had promised to talk to this guy. She dragged herself over to her computer,


hey! Georges sister, this might be sudden but

would you like to join our SMP? its called ''

dream SMP''


hi, yeah I'm gegs sister id love to join!


Perfect here's the server code xxx-xxx

   She had no idea what the Dream SMP was, still she typed in the IP. Immediately after joining a name popped in the chat, TommyInnit.


who are you how did you get here my best friend's dream he

would have told me if someone new was joining because we are best friends


orange juice

join the voice chat number 2

   A loud "HELLO?" rang through her ears making her gasp a bit, "Jesus Christ why are you yelling so late at night" she exclaimed. "because I can, who are you?" he replied in the same annoying voice. "I'm George's sister, I'm Willow," "who are you?" She questioned. "HOLY SSHDFUSFHWN YOUR THE GOGYS SISTER?" He asked impatiently, Willow rolled her eyes. As annoyed as she was she had a small feeling she would love it here.


thanks for reading this far omg I hope you're enjoying it so far, this book is gonna go by pretty slowly I'm not gonna immediately be like "omg toms I love you lets go cuddle bubs" ew I'm not gonna do that at all. BUBS IS SUCH A GROSS NICKNAME KMS, anyways I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistakes if there is LMK. I love you, drink water, eat a snack, stay healthy! 

daily snack idea theme is protein/peanut butter!

Peanut butter on celery

Apple with peanut/almond butter

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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