"Taehyun, can you stand up?"

Kang doesn't answer, just stares amazingly at the floor as if he was trapped in a dream and everything was made out of marshmallows.


And what happens next leaves Beomgyu stunned. A single thin string of tears starts to fall from the younger's eyes and in a blink of an eye, Taehyun is crying like crazy, breathing intensely as if he was choking on air.

At first, Beomgyu cringes when he sees Taehyun's ugly crying face, but then he starts to feel self-conscious about Taehyun's terrible state: the younger was crying with the same intensity for ten minutes straight which had never happened before as Beomgyu knew his crying sections only lasted one to two minutes. Beomgyu was getting tired and alarmed at the agonizing sounds that we were leaving Taehyun's mouth, so he kneeled next to him and grabbed his shoulders, catching his attention.

"What are you even crying about? Taehyun you're going to your bedroom right now, okay? Can you stand-"

Beomgyu's voice dies as soon as he sees the painful expression on the younger's face. He wasn't crying anymore, just looking at Beomgyu dead in the eye, and his reddish cheeks and cold hands didn't look as funny as they did minutes ago. Beomgyu carefully watches Taehyun's ugly crying face intensify as he tried to speak for the first time since he arrived home.

"I can't take it anymore." His sour words leave his lips with difficulty due to his heavy breathing.

Beomgyu didn't know what to do. In front of him was the stupid creature he hated so much and to make it worst, his face was so close to his own to the point where Beomgyu could easily identify some things he had never noticed about him such as the beauty mark he had on his left ear. Having no patience for deep talks so late at night, the ravenette gets ready to get up and leave, but his movements stop when he feels two strong arms wrapping around his waist and a blonde head colliding with his neck curve.

"What the..."

Taehyun's arms were not only wrapped around the older's waist but were also squeezing him tightly as if he was genuinely afraid that Beomgyu would leave. Some tears start to form in the younger's eyes and soon Beomgyu's shoulder gets wet. A disgusting expression automatically appears on Beomgyu's face while he thinks about how dirty his shirt will be after the younger ruins it with his nose fluids and saliva. Taehyun seemed so small and vulnerable in his arms and Choi cringes harder when he realizes the position they were in. Taehyun was very cozy in Beomgyu's lap, his legs around the taller's body as if he was a teddy bear while his arms hugged Beomgyu tightly, his face buried in his chest. Beomgyu just prayed to God for none of his roommates to wake up and see them entangled like that.

Taehyun's cries start to cease, switching places with little sniffs. Beomgyu stays loyal to his first decision and never hugs the younger back, keeping his hands on the ground to support both his and Taehyun's weight. It was only a few minutes after Taehyun stopped crying that Beomgyu noticed how awkward the thick silence they were in was.

"I can't take it anymore..." Taehyun whispers again.

His face was hidden on Beomgyu's chest but the ravenette could perfectly hear everything he was saying. He didn't feel the need to answer, so he just waited for the younger to finish his statement.

"I can't take it anymore. Nobody likes me. I try to be different, to be more interesting, I even dyed my hair blonde for fuck's sake. I try to be someone likable, someone, that catches their attention... But nobody likes me. And this is so frustrating! Everyone I like is here, making themselves home in my life but to them, I just don't exist. I can't stand not having anyone to support me, not having friends that worry about me, and not being capable enough to make people like me. I'm on my own, it's always like that, alone forever..."

Beomgyu wasn't expecting a speech like that so it takes him a few seconds to digest everything.

"Yeonjun likes you...No, he loves you," Beomgyu states the obvious.

"No, he doesn't. Even you said it, he's only friends with me because he pities me."

Beomgyu rolls his eyes, surprised that the younger one believed his words. Then he grabs Taehyun's head and forces him to look up at his eyes.

"Yeonjun loves you so much it's gross. The others think you're in some type of secret relationship or something. That's for you to see that Yeonjun loves you and everyone's fully aware of that. And the others love you too, if they didn't they wouldn't hang out with you at all. That thing I said about everyone pitying you... Well, that's a lie and I only said that because I hate the shit out of you, but that's obvious isn't it?"

"Why do you hate me so much, Beomgyu?"

The ravenette cringes again. Maybe because Taehyun pissed the shit out of him on a daily basis. Maybe because they had this Tom and Jerry relationship and hating each other was part of the plot. Maybe because everything Taehyun does angers Beomgyu to the point where he feels like punching a tree. There were a million reasons why he hated Taehyun so much.

"I'll tell you tomorrow when you're sober."


The blonde boy looks at Beomgyu with his big eyes, waiting for an answer and Beomgyu hated to admit but deep down he found the younger's reaction quite adorable. But he still hated that stupid squirrel to death, of course.

"Because it hurts less when you can't associate words with their meaning. Imagine if I tell you all the reasons and you wake up tomorrow not remembering anything. I can't risk that, you have to suffer!"

"Oh..." Taehyun pretends to comprehend as he feels his upper eyelids weight on top of his eyes.

He wasn't following Beomgyu's reasoning anymore because everything around him seemed very confusing. Kang has very peculiar habits when it comes to drinking: sometimes he would feel like crying, other times he would be hysterical and motivated, and sometimes he would even run a marathon of emotions. But there were times when he would get tired and sleepy and this was now one of those times. He looks over Beomgyu's shoulder. Damn, it looks pretty comfy right now...

Without permission, he lays his head on the taller's shoulder, ignoring the little curses that left his lips and his look of dislike. The world was spinning and Taehyun felt his body light and his vision extremely dizzy. But when he closes his eyes, all that dizziness seems to disappear and his thoughts start to evaporate from his confusing mind. It's time to blackout.

"I can't stand you, Choi Beomgyu." He whispers right before falling asleep.

"I can't stand you either, Kang Taehyun."

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