Ch. 6: The truth hurts

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*it has been a week since I got out of the hospital, and recovered, I decided to go with him and be a supporting visitor at the school, and then seeing Bart getting bullied by Nelson... He Just lost it, and he did the only other thing that no one else knew how to do... Use the force, he lifted Nelson, and threw him like a fastball at the school wall, only bonking his head and getting a major concussion, when Bart came to his senses, he was scared of what he's done... Even the bullies were in shock of what happened, some other students went to go help Nelson, while Bart scared carelessly at Nelson with a scowl on his face knowing he deserved it... He grabbed his stuff from his locker and on the way out the camera pans further behind him to see Skinner knocked out unconscious from what it looked like he used to force again and slammed Skinner into the lockers. That got the cops and the superintendent involved... Clancy, of course did not actually take this seriously... Because of reasons only he knew, but nobody else knew... And it only resulted in Bart winning the day with only the force, or should I say the dark side of the force, he walked around town with a growl on his face despising every second of it, even when he got home to watch itchy and scratchy, it didn't even make him smile or laugh*

Me: Rough day at school?

Bart: Like you want to know...

Me: is it one of those things where I seem to laugh about it, but then it just makes it worse?

Bart: Yep.

Me: Nelson just had to bully you, Hm?

Bart: Well, he could have chose not to bully me... But He did not! Why, Oh, I don't know... I helped him find his dad... He said he wishes you were that simple but on most days he says with all those punches and kicks that it was not! Oh and let's not forget all the "Haw Haw"'s I've heard from him, seriously, it sounds like an expired quart of goat milk. Is he standing right behind me at the window right now?

Me: Yeah... I got it.

Nelson: now before you ge- *interrupted by me tightly pinching on his shoulders*


Nelson: *sobbing and heavy breathing* Yes sir...

*Do you see the pain in his eyes and in his tears, So I loosen my grip, for him to catch his breath, get himself together, and answer my question*

*13 Minutes Explanation Pass, Nelson was received a hug from me, Bart as well but it didn't feel as meaningful as... Well, I think you know why, afterwards Nelson left*

Me: this is bad.

Bart: the fact that I used to force to only get back at others who were innocent at this time?

Me: Yes... There is only one option left, but I have to do it in the morning, and you are coming with me.

Bart: I hope this mission, does not mean I have to go back in time to all of those terrible memories and try to make them better...

Me: I'm afraid that's the only thing we're going to do... But once we are done and all those turned out to be fixed, you will be able to come back this time, as a new Simpson, "literally."

Bart: At this point, I really just don't want to be in any more trouble than I am in right now.


Bart: I stand corrected. *Sigh* Stay...

Me: no, I'm your big brother, I stand with you, even if your parents tell me to stay back, I still fight on your side.

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